Chapter 14: Kiss Kiss Kiss

Start from the beginning

"Ow!" I yelled out loud.

"That's what you get for saying that hurtful shit to me. And so what if I'm emotional?" He put on a smile which made me also smile.

"I had a feeling that you wasn't angry." I picked up the pillow.

I threw it back at him and sat on the bed beside him. He reached for his phone and looked down at a text message. I managed to take a peek and noticed that it was Nathan.

"Your brother says that they're gonna be home late." He read the message.

"Really? I made all of this food for nothing?" I folded my arms.

"Not really. I'm here?" He put his arms out.

"And Mario?".

"He's probably not even gonna be back until the morning." Angelo put his phone back down.

"I seriously need a boy best friend." I pouted.

"So that I can literally pour my heart out to both him and Traci about how I ain't got a boyfriend and everybody's got somebody." I added.

"I thought I was? Well, I'm the only guy other than your brother that you hang out with." He shrugged.

"Ha, funny(!)" I said.

He put his arms around my shoulders and cut on the TV. He was really concentrated. He used his free arm to pick up the plate that he hadn't finished eating and ate the Mac and Cheese. I really admired how his jaw tensed up as he ate. I sound really weird right now but it's all in my head so it's whatever.

"I feel uncomfortable with the way you're staring at me." He commented.

"Do you not think that I feel uncomfortable every time I'm in a dress or something and you stare? Oh yes, I know you do." I gave him the side eye.

"I was looking at your jaw anyway. It's ugly." I shrugged.

"Nigga, fuck you." He smacked his teeth.

Angelo Sanders POV
I picked up my glass of water and took a sip as I admired the scenery. I exhaled and closed my eyes, throwing my head back. I really needed something or someone right now to just make me feel right. It was getting dark meaning that the others should be back soon. Normani walked through the door and took a seat next me. She looked at my arm that was behind her but not wrapped around her shoulders.

"Problem?" I watched her eyes.

"Yeah, your arm." She raised her brow and ate a brownie.

"Sorry, I ain't moving it. It's really comfortable like this." I shook my head.

"Fine.." She sighed.

"What's that? Why you looking at tattoos?" I furrowed my brows looking at her phone.

"Tattoos have just been on my mind lately." She shrugged.

"You don't need tattoos." I shook my head.

"Your body doesn't have to be ruined by ink." I ran my tongue over my bottom lip.

"In a friendly way, you've got a beautiful body." I told her.

"Thanks." She folded her lips looking back down at her phone.

"I mean if you really want it, what are you thinking of getting?" I asked.

"I wanted to get the date of my mother's death on my side." She pointed.

"That's it?".

"That is it." She nodded her head.

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