I wince at the paper cut that nicks me as I pull it open. A heap of confetti hearts sprinkle me as I unfold the red letter.

Dear Hendrix and Harry,

You are both cordially invited to the union of

Marcia Maria Joanna Perez



The details are written underneath. Surely Marcia's family are going to find it weird that her groom is just called 'Juan', with no surname?

Unless she's told them that he goes by just one name for effect, like Madonna or Prince. He's def got the ego to pull that off. I'm just about to shove the letter on the side when I see a hastily hand written note at the bottom of the page.

Hendrix, I've got yours and Harry's outfits here. Juan is having all of the DreamFactory boys as his groomsmen and I want to make sure that we all look good in the group photos, so you'll be wearing matching outfits with the other DF girls.

Wow. As if I wasn't already thrilled about spending the entire day with Juan, now I have to do it in an outfit Marcia has chosen.

Harry has been in a state of great excitement about the stag party. It's being held this weekend and he doesn't seem to have a clue what it might entail.

Even though he's one of the groomsmen, no one seems to have included him in making any plans. He's blissfully unaware that he should have had a say in the matter and I feel pathetically indignant on his behalf.

By Thursday, I've build myself into a proper panic about what might be happening. I mean, surely it won't be anything too racy, given that it's all Dream Factory boys that are attending. Once Harry has left the house for his coffee morning with the grannies, I decide to call Liam, thinking that he's the most sensible of all the boys. He doesn't answer the few calls I make and I remember Grace telling me how busy he has been with his online business.

That leaves me four other options; Louis, Niall, Zayn or Robert.


With a sigh I dial the number of the least bad of those options.

"Hey baby girl, what's happening?"

"What have I told you-"

"Guess you just can't stay away, huh?"


"If you want my attention-"

"Shut it." I snap, not in the mood to deal with Zayns crappy faux bad boy persona.

"Jeez. Someone's in a bad mood. Time of the month or what." He mutters childishly to himself.

"I want to know what's planned for this weekend." I sigh, deciding not to get drawn into petty bickering with him.

"Yeah, so do I." He attempts to sound vague and mysterious and I can't stop myself from rolling my eyes.

"I meant at the stag party, what's the plan?"

"I don't know, none of us do. Marcia's brother has arranged it as a sort of 'welcome to the family' for Juan. Kathy isn't happy about not knowing." He adds sheepishly.

Neither am I. There are about a million things that could do wrong when you're having a night out with 6 boys who can't tell a single lie and have never drank a drop of alcohol before.

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