Meeting The Grandparents

Start from the beginning

“I am a little upset.” Nate admitted looking toward his grandparents home. “You know how I feel about people buying Brook things for the hell of it and on top of that I know that it must have cost a lot of money. I’m not upset with you, just with the fact that you spent so much on something for her.”

“Like I said, I can return it if you want.” Celeste whispered. She shouldn’t have bought that necklace, she knew that Nate would get upset but, she just couldn’t help herself when she had seen it sitting in the display case. “I wont force you to keep it.”

“Don’t do that,” Nate groaned leaning his head back to rest against his seat. 

“Do what?” Celeste asked looking over at him. “I knew I shouldn’t have bought because you don’t want Brooklyn to be spoiled. I just couldn’t help myself, I saw and I had to buy it for her.”

“I’m not going to make you return it,” Nate sighed “But. . .I don’t think that she should wear it right now because she’s so young.”

“I know, but, when I saw it. . .I just. . .it just screamed ‘Brooklyn’ and I had to get it for her.” Celeste said

“I know what you mean,” Nate nodded “I feel like that when I see something at the store sometimes too. Just. . .please don’t make it a habit.”

“I wont, I swear. The next time I get her something it’ll be for Christmas or her birthday, promise.” Celeste said 

“Thank you,” Nate smiled and leaned over to place a soft kiss on her lips. “Now lets go visit with my grandparents, they’ve been dying to meet you.”

Nate didn’t wait for Celeste to respond and she was left in the truck with his mouth hanging open. Celeste stared blankly at the seat that Nate had just been sitting in. He didn’t really say what she thought he did, did he? He didn’t just say that his grandparents were dying to meet her, right? Coming back to her senses Celeste looked to the back seat where Nate was unbuckling a bouncing Brooklyn from her seat. He had a small smile on his face and Celeste knew that the answer to her question was a definite yes. 

“You coming or are you going to sit there all day?” Nate asked with a chuckle.

“I-I’m coming,” Celeste nodded and climbed out of the truck.

“They are going to love you,” Nate assured wrapping his free arm around Celeste shoulders. “My mom has been talking non-stop to them about you.”

“What if they don’t like me?” Celeste asked looking up at him as they reached the front door.

“I already told you that they are going to love you.” Nate said “Plus, they already feel like they know from all the things that my mom and dad have told them. I’m pretty sure that Jess talked about you too since you are her dance teacher.”

Before Celeste could say anything more Nate had already rung the doorbell. It wasn’t long before the door opened up and tiny elderly lady with white hair stood before them. 

“Nathaniel,” she cooed pulling him into a warm hug. “Ohh, and my little Brooklyn.”

“Hi, grams” Nate smiled at the same time as Brooklyn said “Mama,”

“You must be Celeste, I’ve heard so much about you,” his grandmother gushed pulling Celeste into a hug as well.

“I am, it’s very nice to meet you.” Celeste smiled 

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