Chap 1- "Hey, I'm not from around here"

Start from the beginning

"I'll show her." The guy next to me spoke cutting her off, I look up at him. He smile down at me and I was even more confused. I glance at his hand, it looks like he was writing something on a piece of paper, sorta like a name. Wripping my eyes off the paper not able to read what it say I look him up and down making sure he wasn't a creeper or a kidnapper you can tell by the way they dress...sorta, but he was just wearing brown jeans   and a white shirt. 

"If your asking me, I believe your checking me out miss." He says laughing, My eyes pop out. I turn to the girl behind the counter and she was laughing a little too. I felt my cheeks get red. "N-n-o NO! God no! I was checking if you were a creeper!" I defend myself as he smiles proud at me. Like I said wasn't in the mood.

"Alright then. Cm'on I'll show you around Miss..." He started but the trailed off sighing that I should give him my name. "It's Madison." I tell him in a strong voice. He smiled at me like it was freaking 12 in the afternoon it 6am!

"Well hello Miss, Madison. I'm Liam." He stuck his hand out I could hear his rich British accent but of course everyone had one, I took his hand and shake it.  "Hey, I'm not from around here." I tell him shlyl. He smiles showing his white teeth step closer still holding my hand. My breath gets caught as he now sharing the same breath space as I am. Liam slowly brings his hand to my hair and brush his fingers in it locking eyes with me the hole time. I now notice how his eyes are a rich brown, well I notice before but not like this before, not in this view.

"You had a leaf in your hair." He spoke slowly and softly holding a left in his fingers. I glance at it still  trying to catch my breath. I take the leaf from his fingers brushing them on his and spun it around. "Thanks.." I spoke back. We stand there for a moment just staring at each-other seeing who will back out first. I been told my stares are the most power thing ever. I smirk when he step back and kept his eyes to the floor. Marsha smirk at the two of us and laid out two cups of coffee. I frowned my eye brows  "Oh.. No I did-" I started before her hand cut me off.  "It looks like you need one Miss." She tells me. Liam grab his coffee and tilts his head to a table on his right. I thanked her and followed Liam.

"So you say your not around here.." He starts as we sit at a table. This place was small and meet, rich brown walls with yellow floors. Their was pictures of coffee cups on the walls matching it perfectly, I also notice that some girls were glaring at me. I look down at my body, I was just wearing skinny jeans, and a white shirt with a jacket, nothing big. My hair was a mess but yet still had it curls, I only put some eye liner and some blush on this morning in a rush. I remember that Liam was still talking to me and I was bacily recovering from what I wore. I nodded my head and take a sip out of my coffee. I could here girls in the back corner giggling and pointing at Liam, I lean over to get a better look at them but they rolled their eyes and turn to look away.

"Yeah, I'm from America but I always wanted to come to London ever since I was a little girl so I saved my money and after high school and college I left." I told him not paying attention from the girls, He smiled and I started to like it. Which isn't a totle lie, I did want to come to London for a while but the real reason it just...bad.

"Well when did you get out of high school?" He asked. I pull my red hair mixed with brown hair behind my ears.  "Umm.. maybe two or three days ago." I tell him shrugging. His eyes winden and stares at me completely shook.

"Well.. what about your high school graduation and college?" He ask. "Umm... I graduation high school and college at the same time." I tell him, I got the look I get from lots of people when I tell them that, The 'Ummm are you confused?' looked.

"How is that pos-"

"I took on-line classes in 10th grade and did it throughout high school so I was all set and ready to go." Irrupted him knowing what he going to asked. He nodded his head in impressed.

"What about you? Did you always live here?" I ask him. He got a big smile and nod his head. At this point was really enjoying myself.

"So... Madison. Tell me. why did you leave home so fast?" He asked staring at me seeing if he can find the answer himself. I set my coffee down and took a deep breath. I wasn't sure if I should tell a guy I just met about why I left. Well it not like I'm ever going to see him again.

"Well... Maybe I'll tell you someday." I say smirking lightly. He smirk back at me.

"So there going to be a someday?" He ask and winked at me. I couldn't help but blushed. I rolled my eyes and chuckle. "So are you going to show me where 94th street or do I have to get lost again?" I ask in a chuckle. He laugh and nodded his head. We got up and I wave goodbye to Marsha who returned it. Liam ofter if he could give a ride and it was freezing out so I said yes.

In the car I almost dove off but I wanted to be awake in case Liam try to kill me or something.

"So you just here without a job or a place to live?" He asked. I tried to wake up a little more to answer him. I didn't want him to think I was just a bum. Wait.... why would I care what he think? "Umm... I got a job here and I rented a house before high school was over." I tell him yawning. I got a job from my dad friend who lives here, he is supposed to keep an eye on me too but everyone knows that I'm not that bad. My dad friend works at a factory where they make phones and such, I'm the clean up girl but whatever pays the bills is what I'll do.

"Well do you have a bed there? Or a stove?" He asked I shook my head "What about heat?" I shook my head again. My eyes shot opened, I have  NOTHING! The airport lost my clouth and I couldn't pay to bring my bed and such let alone myself, I had to work ALL summer for the passed 2 years just to pay for the house and the plane ticket with some, Hint I said SOME help from my mom.

"Shit......" I  mumble putting my hand on my four head. Liam rub my shoulder softly, I sent him a glare and he slowly took his hand off and instead rub the back of his head acting normal.  "What about you stay at my place just fro tonight and I'll help you shop for stuff tomorrow." He offers I look up at him my eyes haft opened.

"Your not going to rape me are you Mr. Liam?" I asked. He look at me like I was crazy. "NO GOD NO!" He says loudly.I laugh at him for the look on his face.

"Alright good. But just tonight!" I tell him, He nods his head and smiling from ear to ear.

It wasn't long till I fell asleep, I felt the car stop. I set up and shook my head. I felt my set blent un-buckle and the driver door shout softly. I was still a little confuse because I was on opset side of the car that I'm used to. I hear my door opened and felt Liam scoop me up in his arms. I snuggles in his chest, still very much asleep. I hear him opened his fount door and allot of talking and jumping around.

"LIAM HOME! LIAM LIAM LIAM I MADE A PICTURE FOR YO-" A boy screamed with others after him, Liam slowly closes the door behind him, I still haft asleep not caring what going on just want to sleep in his arms- Wait WHAT? Madison! you just met him! don't think like that! What the hell is the matter with you!!?

"Sshhh.... come on led's be a little quiet." Liam said softly. I opened my eyes just to see a foggy figgers.

"Liam, you missed our meeting. We had to do it without you. Where are coffee?" A male voice asked obvious that he had not seen the girl in his friends arms.

"Who that?" I heard a boy say in a deep voice. I heard another say that I was cute which I wanted to smile. Another asked if I was a passed out stripper and if we should have so fun. His accent was different from the other but I knew he was joking.. or I hope.

Liam passed his friends not answering their questions and layed me down somewhere and put a blanket over me. His fingers caressed my jaw line and slowly walk away, I waited till a door shut to try to think what just happen.

I hope this isn't a freaky dream.. because I'll be pissed.


"Hey, I'm not from around here" A One Direction Fan-Fic EDITING!Where stories live. Discover now