2. Kang Daniel

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Band: Wanna-One

Member: Kang Daniel

Genre: Fluff or something?

Summary: During the recording of M!Countdown you try to finish your paper work as a manager of a girl group as Kang Daniel distracts you from it. Leaving you behind shocked and confused.


Today was the day of another M! Countdown recording. Everyone was busy doing their respective job, while you were looking a little bit out of place. Do to the illness of another manager you were forced to work alone today. It didn't help your nervous nature that it was your first time of working alone as a manager to begin with, but what should you do? You couldn't let them walk around on their own. Even though it looked like the girl group you were supposed to manage was just fine on their own. Sure it wasn't your first time at this broadcasting station, but it was still a bit overwhelming sometimes. While the group got their makeup and hair done, chatting nonstop, you were walking around aimlessly, trying to find a quiet place to get some paper work done. There was still some stuff to be done before you could enjoy your weekend, and the faster you got this done, the faster you might get some free time. Your laptop was getting pretty heavy in your arms when you finally found a seating area far enough from all the hectic preparations, to actually be able to concentrate. You made yourself comfortable enough to start working; however you weren't even done with the first page of your report as someone sat in the seat across from you. Thinking it was one of the girls you didn't bother to look up; they sometimes just sat around enjoying the silent company as a contrast to their busy life.
Diving deeper into your report you didn't notice it was in fact not one of your girls. However as the person started to shift around in their seat, your concentration was gone in a matter of seconds. You noticed the little differences in the sound the person made on the seat, which did not fit any of the girls. Looking up from your laptop you were met by the figure of a man sitting across from you. Bleached blond hair and electric blue eyes, thanks to some colored lenses, looked back at you. Of course you know who it was, but that only made you even more surprised. Not really knowing what to do, you just slightly bowed and then got back to your work. Kang Daniel, Center of the infamous project group Wanna-One was shifting in his seat in front of you. It wasn't until a few more minutes of awkward silence and staring, that he started talking and that you noticed he wasn't just sitting there for nothing.
"I've seen you around quite often the past few weeks. Which group are you here with?" he asked a little hesitant. Your fingers stopped on the keyboard. Why is he even interested in that? Nevertheless it would be impolite to not answer, so you told him your group's name. They were rookies, not widely known but on the rise. Your voice was barely audible to say the least, but he seemed to understand it, thankfully.
"Ah, really? I actually expected a boy group if I'm being honest." You were still not sure what his intentions were. The only thing that came to your mind was that he was trying to get the number from one of the girls, but why isn't he asking them himself? And that didn't make any sense if he thought you were accompanying a boy group. Not really knowing what to do, you just didn't answer at all.
"Okay, so, you might wonder what I was doing here. I ... kind of ... noticed you around these past few weeks. I tried getting closer, but that other manager was always beside you and I got to say he is really intimidating, like he is so huge, I bet he could break my neck with one finger... so I chickened out every time ..." He was talking about your ill coworker, who was quite impressive indeed, and you were scared at first too; however his image shifted from scary to sometimes unbearable friendly in a matter of days. Daniel didn't really finish his last sentence and was scratching his neck embarrassed of the small confession he just made. His cheeks had a beautiful pink color now. As you still didn't say anything he went on, getting more embarrassed with every word he mumbled.
"What I wanted to ask was, if maybe... you and I could... go out on a coffee or something?" his fingers fidgeting in his lap he looked at you expectantly. Saying you were a bit shocked wouldn't have been enough to describe your inner chaos, coming back to your senses you were about to answer something along the lines of a manager and an Idol should not go out on a date, because it was against the rules of ... well of every single company you could remember. But one of his band mates beat you to it.
"Here you are, god Daniel, we are already super late for the recording. Get your ass up and come!" he didn't even wait for an answer, barely taking notice of your presence and just dragged Daniel off. You were left behind speechless, in the distance you could still hear Daniel protesting to his friend, but there was no use to it, he didn't come back again. The minutes past as you just sat there at the far end of the backstage area, staring at the seat that was still taken a few minutes earlier. The report was completely forgotten, as you finally just closed your Laptop and stood up, going back to the girls.
This was surely not something that normally happened, you were sure about that. There surely never was a case of something like this happening when you were still doing your training.
The recording went by in the blink of an eye, as you were completely loosing track of the time around you. The girls finished their rehearsal and recording neatly, ending their schedule earlier than expected. You brought them back to their dorm and were now free to go home on your own. This whole time you couldn't stop thinking about what happened, making up scenarios in your head how the conversations might have gone if you two weren't interrupted. The thought never came to your mind to date an Idol in the first place, as you have never been a fan of any KPop group. Sure you liked the music in general but didn't get to know any group closer in particular.
After hours of just laying awake in an empty apartment your eyes finally fell shut and you drifted off into a dreamless sleep, telling yourself that this might have just been some crazy misunderstanding or something.

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