Chapter one

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Me and my sisters have been creating AU's over thousands of years. My sister Fauna is now queen -even though I thought it would be wiser if I was queen but she insisted- of the multiverse known as Floralverse (She let me name it.) and our three younger brothers were the princes and the youngest of my twins Angel and me -of course- are the princesses . Now that I think about it....if I was queen I bet nothing would get done. My sister is the best at organizing and getting stuff done. I'm too lazy to do anything. Oh! And now that I have reread what I have already written, I should explain what a "Multiverse" and a "AU" is.

Well....AU is short for "Alternate Universe" which sorta ties into the meaning of Multiverse. A Multiverse is pretty much a large group of Alternate universes in one space. In the middle of all of them is a large blank space called a "AntiVoid". Which is where the creators and destroyers live and meet. They usually don't fight in the antivoid since there is a spell that makes all instincts to fight disappear, but...just temporarily. When they leave the antivoid they all come back. And that HUGE hall I was talking about earlier was the Hall of Creators. Where the magical paint brushes that all creators use to create are made and stored. That's where I stole mine from. That swap guy, his name is Eraser, the other was another swap is named Pale. I personally like Eraser, he despises my father as much as I do, but he still works for him, well.....technically, he actually works for me as a spy of sorts. My sister keeps telling me that Eraser likes me, but I just brush that off. There is no way a destroyer like him would like a creator like me. Plus, I like the other guy named Reboot. He is about 6" tall. That's a solid 2 feet taller then me! I hate being short, but it has its advantages, like being shorter means I'm more fit to run faster, and since my bones are hollow so I can fly, that makes me even faster. And light....though I HATE when Reboot yells. It hurts my ears. Wait! I forgot to tell you! I'm a Neko, which means I'm part cat, which also means my hearing, agility, sight, and strength is ten times stronger then the strongest dominant! Also just to make it clear, a dominant, is just a guy who is pretty much the boss. He has extra abilities, such as; growing claws filled with poison, teeth with the ability to rip through solid steel, and massive amounts of strength. All of this that I know of Dominants was told to me by Reboot. I keep on telling him that submissives like me can have that ability too....well.....not the claws and teeth. But I can rip through solid steel with my bare hands! Reboot would just laugh and ruffle up my hair and say, "Yeah right pipsqueak." I would always get mad when he would call me that. So what if I'm the shortest submissive ever known, and so what if I'm short! Wait, I already said that. Anyway, I can take him down in ten seconds flat! I've done it to my brother who is also a dominant. I left him knocked out on the floor(he still hates me for that.)

Anyway that day I was visiting Reboot at his house. I suddenly became VERY small. Because everything was so BIG! it took me a couple of tries to get onto his couch.

"Why is everything you own so big?" I asked. He gave me a smirk, which I knew he wasn't going to say anything good.

"Because I'm big." He said with a even bigger smirk.

 I covered my face with my scarf as it exploded into a bright pink.

"YOU JERK!" I yelled pushing him away from me as he laughed.

"Oh come on Flower! It was funny!" He said in between laughs. I glared at him.

"It was not! Urg! I hate you so much right now!" I yelled, turning myself into my cat form.

He smiled and pets my ear, which made me purr. "I know you don't, and I can tell that you don't hate me." He said calmly as he continued to pet my ear.

I purred more, despite my attempts to repel his intense sexiness, I always fail. I admit, I love this dude. I got up, walked over and laid down on his lap, purring as I did.

Later on, he took me to OuterTale so I could see the stars since in my AU I can't see them. I looked at them in awe. I love the stars, I've always loved watching them. Reboot would point out all the different constellations in the sky. I personally like the Ursa Minor. It reminds me When it was time to leave I wined, yelling that I didn't want to go. But finally I gave in when Reboot gave me the 'Face'. I walked behind him as he dragged me to my house. He could tell I was exhausted, he brought me inside and tucked me in. I smiled when he kissed my head gently and left. I fell asleep dreaming happy dreams.

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