(2)Girl Next Door

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Hola my lovely pickles! Isn't Vincent hot?! Gosh I have to post a picture of him shirtless. I am going to do that right now! (7:45) (7:47) I swear this guy is a sex god! Mhmhm. I would love to marry him. Anyways. New Chappie! I would like to give a shout out to my older brother he is 14 months older than me and we joke that we are twins. He is presently writing a superhero story check it out! It's called The Superhero Squad. External link to the right is his profile:) FAN, VOTE, COMMENT.  For him and me. 


I was walking down the bleary grey halls where everything just blended together, every morning. I met my gross rust red locker and put in the combination. I slowly opened my locker and took out all the nessecary books for the periods before lunch and put away all the ones from my book bag. I slammed the slowly chipping metal, and walked off to my first period. I adjusted my glasses and tightened my suspenders, and ran my trusty brown comb through my dark brown hair. My butt slid into the dark blue chairs and I set my bag down on the left of me. The teacher appeared a few minutes later and began the lesson. About 20 minutes in we were intrupted as a girl raced in the room. "Sorry I'm late Mr..." She trailed off and looked at the slip of paper in her hand. "Gerald." 

"You must be the new student..." It was his turn now, he walked over to his desk and picked up the attendance sheet, "Adara." She nodded her head quickly and looked down blushing. "Well it's alright. Go ahead and take a seat next to Tony over there. Tony raise your hand." The guy about two seats down on my left in the middle of the classroom raised his hand. Adara walked over to Tony and fell into the seat on his right. She lifted her head and looked around the classroom where her eyes met mine. She smiled a small smile and I turned my head back around to face the teacher and continued to take notes. I shook my hair into my face so Adara couldn't see the small smile playing at my lips. 


The most annoying bell in the history of bells rang out signaling it was the end of the school day. Adara had all of my classes, and in all of them she never once sat next to me. But, she always found my eyes. I slid out of my chair and headed to the heap of metal called my locker. I put all my books away and shut the door, a very distant buzzing sounded and I slowly looked around only to realize my phone was vibrating in my bag. The caller ID read 'Mom' and I clicked the illuminated green button. "Vincent?" My mothers voice floated through the phone.

"Yes mom?" I quickly made my way to my truck so no one would hear my conversation.

"What are you doing today?" 

"I don't know.. Why?" Normally I call her.. Why is she calling me?

"Well, we are having guests over for dinner. Someone finally bought the house next door. So you can't hang out with friends tonight."

"But what if I have work?"

"I already called Chuck. You don't." I rolled my eyes. Leave it up to my mother to call in to my work just to check if I could go tonight. 

"Yeah alright mom. I will be there in a few."

"Oh wait!" cue the eye roll again. I shoved my keys into the ingnition and started the engine.

"What mom?" I pulled out of the parking lot with my phone in between my shoulder and ear. 

"Could you pick up some stuff at the store? I will send you a text so you can drive." 

"Yeah mom I can. Alright bye, love you." 

"Love you too." I grabbed the phone with my left hand and clicked the red button, and threw my phone into the cupholder. I arrived at the closest QFC to my house and rushed into the store grabbing a cart on the way. I cursed myself for forgetting my phone. I left the cart and sprinted to my car unlocking it and slamming into it when I tried to stop. I rubbed my forehead where a decent size bump was growing. I heard a giggle behind me that grew into full blown laugh. I grabbed my phone, locked my car and turned around to be met by the face of an angel. 

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