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Maria Thorpe
Abstergo Industries: France
November 1, 2008

"Copy these for me and have them on my desk by noon." He peels the yellow note off the pad, sticking it to the front of her tunic. She rolls her eyes, mocking him quietly as he leaves. She sticks the note to her growing list of to-do's remembering the words of her late father, "A yes will eventually lead to a six-figure income." She sighs, shutting her binder. Better get started, don't want Nancy to miss her lunch again.

Altair Ibn La'Ahad
Akhua International: Syria
November 1, 2008

"Everything is ready novice." Altair rolls his eyes, packing the rest of his suitcase.

"Must you still call me that?"

Malik hands Altair a velvet box. He opens it, inspecting the contents. This weekend was going to be perfect. He'd finally propose to his dearest and maybe he'd even win her a painting from the auction. "I'll call you mentor when you deserve it. Now go on. The pilot won't wait forever."

Maria Thorpe
Abstergo Industries: France
November 1, 2008

Of course the copier had been full. Of course she picked the wrong lunch. And of course she was late for her meeting! Maria hurries down the hallway for the third time that day. Nancy hates beans! I should have known that. Maria rounds the corner not expecting the large man on the other side. She falls to the ground, sack lunch flying from her hands and papers blown like confetti in the air.

The CEO looks at her with such disdain she knows she'll be losing her quarterly bonus. Maria apologizes profusely for her lack of awareness and hurries to gather her freshly copied papers. To her surprise the man apologizes to her. He bends down to retrieve Nancy's lunch. "Je suis désolé mon amour, your lunch seems to be ruined. Let me treat you instead."

Maria's grey eyes light up, perhaps her luck is beginning to change. His large hand extends in front of her and she slowly, cautiously takes it. In near slow motion she is pulled to his chest. He wraps his arms around her and she can't keep the blush from her face. She stutters, "I'm sorry, Mr. De Sable, I've an important meeting and I'm already late."

Robert's mouth quirks into a smirk and he drags her away. "No worries, they can wait." Mary nods watching Nancy's cubical grow further and further away. She sighs, the office gossip was about to get a whole lot juicier.  "And call me Robert."

Altair Ibn La'Ahad
Akhua International: Syria
November 1, 2008

Altair checks his watch again, Adha should have been here by now. He paces back and forth in front of his private jet. I'm going to propose, she has to show up! His pocket begins to chirp and her nearly rips the cloth retrieving his phone. "Hello?!" He shouts a little too animatedly.


His heart drops, "Adha? Where are you Habiti?"

There's a pause and then she sighs, "I'm not coming Altair."

His throat constricts tightly and he barely croaks, "Why not?"

Another pause, "You know our government will  arrest us if they learn we were in Jerusalem."

Altair slumps down onto the jet steps, "But I must go on business-"

She cuts him off with a click of her tongue, "You may go but I will not chance it! I'm sorry Altair but Baba has already threatened to tell the authorities."

Altair's brows furrow, "I will give you exactly one hour, if you are not here by then we are done."

She pauses again, "Goodbye Altair." The line goes silent.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2018 ⏰

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