I Made a Stand

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Stand Name: Dogs Out (Verse 1 and 2)Stand User Name: Collin Werner Stand Namesake: Who Let The Dogs Out by The Baha MenStand Cry (Verse 1): WoofWoofWoof!Stand Cry (Verse 2): Yippee-yie-oh! And Bow Wow!

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Stand Name: Dogs Out (Verse 1 and 2)
Stand User Name: Collin Werner
Stand Namesake: Who Let The Dogs Out by The Baha Men
Stand Cry (Verse 1): WoofWoofWoof!
Stand Cry (Verse 2): Yippee-yie-oh! And Bow Wow!

Appearance (Verse 1 and 2)
Dogs Out is a semi autonomous stand resembles a mechanical canine. It's main body is olive green and the neck, stomach area is a bright orange color, the joints are a tan-ish color the eyebrows, the plates on the side of it's head, and the stripe on the bottom of the tail is chocolate brown.
In it's Verse 1 form it is a quadrupedal canine around the size of the average human male. It's eyes are black because they only light up when it enters it's Verse 2 form.
In Verse 2 form Dogs Out is a bipedal version of Verse 1. The plates on the sides of it's face are smaller, and the eyes are lit with pinkish orange eyes.

Stats (Verse 1)
Power: A
Range: A
Durability: B
Potential: B

Stats (Verse 2)
Power: A
Precision: A

Abilities (Verse 1)
Material Cloning
Material Mass Increase

Verse 1 can distance itself from the user up to 49 kilometers

Verse 1 can draw in any material, substance, or minerals around it in a 50 meter radius to create clones of itself. It can make up to fifteen clones at once and they can act almost independently from the original stand. The substance, material, or mineral can not be part of something else, it can't create stones out of a mountain or a boulder. However the stand can break or tear off pieces of a boulder, mountain, or vehicle to make the duplicates of. Strangely if the material can be easily separated the telekinetic pull of the stand can pull it apart (I.E. Lego bricks, human flesh and bone, or any kind of string). The clones can also be made up of more than one material, This can include compound materials or substances.

It's other ability is using it's ability to draw in and manipulate materials it can create an armor shell around itself. This shell can be hollow or dense, huge or slightly bigger than itself. The size of the shell puts stress on the user, but the size nearly limitless as the user gets used to the stress of controlling a large entity and the only real limit would be the materials or substance the stand can use.

Abilities (Verse 2)
(Previous Abilities)
Vicious Howl
Attack Rush
Vicious Howl produces a sonic blast that hits with enough force to smash bricks into dust, dent the toughest metals, and at the right frequency blow a person's skull apart. Before unleashing the attack it will howl Yippiee Yie Yo! and unleash the attack
Like Star Platinum, Crazy Diamond, and The World. It can unleash a flurry of punches at superhuman speeds also like the previous three stands it will yell "Bow wowowowowowowowowo!" As it's punching. Bow Wow is a referance to the rapper Lil Bow Wow.

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