Ive dealt with him for how long?!

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So I really couldn't decide what I was going to do for this chapter so I decided to bring it back around to mark one year😬 so I hope y'all enjoy the chapter and I'll try and add cute scenes of Jenelle more often
Arielle goes to cuddle into the warm body that's usually next to her only she's met with a cold spot. She opens her eyes and sighs. She crawls out of bed and walks into the living room to see Jared, and Briana sitting on the couch with Jensen.
"Hey sleeping beauty." Briana says smiling. Arielle holds her hand up. "Coffee." She says simply. Jensen, like the god he his appears around the corner with a steaming mug of her favorite coffee. "Here you go sweetheart." She sighs happily as she takes a sip letting the hot vanilla liquid warm her throat.
She walks over and sits on the coffee table. "Does She always sit there?"
Jared and Jensen both nod. "Yeah. It's her favorite place actually."

" //////////////////////////////////////Arielle_Ross:

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Toronto.. I hear you have a problem.. could you say it's supernatural?
"Jensennnn." She sings
"Yessss?" He says back.
"Match with Jared and I tonight?"
Jensen's head appears around the corner
"What do I get out of it?" She shrugs
"A kiss." "I like that deal."  She leans over and pecks his lips. "Outfits on the back of the door."  He laughs "how'd you know I'd say yes." She boops his nose "cause you always! Now out, I gotta finish getting ready." He kisses her cheek "yes ma'am."
He looks to the floor to see those sparkly heels he loves "babe? You're wearing those?"  She laughs "yes Jens! Go."
After she shuts the door I walk over to my bag pull out that tiny little box that's been Taunting me for months
Tomorrow makes a year, wait until the ,you can do this Jensen grow a pair
I quickly throw the box back in the bag as I hear the bathroom door open
"Hey babe can you bring me my black top and my makeup bag pretty pretty please?" Arielle asks as she pops her head out of the bathroom
I sigh dramatically
"Yes dear!" I say as I hand them to her
She smacks my arm as she rolls her eyes
I'm so in love with this girl
"This time last year Harley met the Winchester's." I tell the crowd as I adjust my mic
Jared was getting ready to play his guitar for the first time in front of the fans
I look at him and mouth
You got this
He nods and smiles
He starts strumming the cords and I take the ear piece out of my ear. I mean I don't need it anyway I know this song by heart

When the rain is blowing in your face
And the whole world is on your case
I could offer you a warm embrace
To make you feel my love
When the evening shadows and the stars appear And there is no one there to dry your tears Oh, I hold you for a million years
To make you feel my love
She sits on the arm of the chair Jared's wrapping her arm around his shoulders

I know you haven't made your mind up yet, But I will never do you wrong
I've known it from the moment that we met,No doubt in my mind where you belong
(Ending the song...but it's wonderful and I love it so much give it a listen:) it's up at the top.. also at the top are the boys and Aries outfits.. Jared's on the left Jensen's on the right)
As soon as Jared stops strumming the cords and puts the guitar down She pulls him into a hug making the crowd cheer
"You did great! I feel like a proud mom."
She whispers in his ear
Jared laughs and squeezes her a little tighter
"Thanks for the confidence Nikki."
"Anytime padre."
We bow and Jared walks off the stage
Jensen walks into the stage making the crowd roar, he kisses Arie and then addresses the crowd.
She steps back, waiting on Jensen to talk.. she had no idea what they were singing
"Hey Toronto! How's it going?" The crowd roars and he smiles "so, as you know Dean like myself doesn't like chick flick moments, but because a very special occasion is tomorrow I kinda gotta amirite?"
She smiles when he mentions their anniversary "so, a year ago tomorrow. Arielle Nicole Ross sang with me  for the supernatural family for the first time.
Then, as you know we started dating. Now; she doesn't know this but the first day I saw her on set I knew I was screwed, cause she walked in with an infectious smile, a contagious laugh and the biggest heart. I couldn't find the guts to be like "I'm kinda into you" not until that night. I saw her shine like never before, and I knew then. She was who I wanted to spend the rest of my life with."
The crowd is silent for a few seconds in shock that Jensen had just poured his heart out on the stage. She wipes the tears from her eyes. "Damnit Jensen." She kisses his cheek. "Now, up until today I had a plan to sing meant to be cause that was the song we sang together for the first time. But this morning she was singing this song, and I've spent the rest of the day learning it cause she really loves it, and as she told me. I can't tell her no." She laughs slightly rolling her eyes. The band begins to play a familiar beat and Jensen steps up to the mic
"I run from hate, I run prejudice, I run from pessimists, but I run to late."
She smiles at how good he sounds singing this song. She brings the mic to her lips
"I run my life, or is it running me? Run from my past, I run too fast. Or too slow it seems"
Jensen grabs a guitar and begins to strum along
"When lies become the truth, that's when I run to you"
She and Jensen begin to sing together the love prominent
"This world keeps spinning faster into a  new disaster. So I run to you. I run to you , baby. And when it all starts coming undone. Baby, you're the only one I run to. I run to you"
Arielle ruffles Billy's hair, and then leans against Jason's as Jensen sings his part

"We run on fumes, your life and mine. Like the sands of time, slipping right on through. Our loves the only truth that's why I run to you"

She walks back over to her boyfriend placing her arm on his shoulder leaving her mic behind she begins to use his too.
"This world keeps spinning faster into a  new disaster. So I run to you. I run to you , baby. And when it all starts coming undone. Baby, you're the only one I run to. I run to you"
She can't help but kiss his cheek before they sing the last lines
"I always run to you."
Jensen hands the guitar off and then grabs Arielle's waist kissing her forehead.
"This has been amazing Toronto until next time!"
Arielle grabs his hand leading him off the stage. As soon as their both out of view Jensen is pulled away. He however stops and turns back to her. She squints to read his lips but when she does she smiles.
'I love you more' she says back
She finds Jared in the green room
"He has photo ops with Misha." She says plopping down beside him.
"Don't worry kiddo, it gets worse."
She smacks his arm. 
So... that's chapter 19!!
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