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Inspired by Never Shout Never's song, CheaterCheaterBestFriendEater. Kudos to my friend Mackenzie for the idea, too. Also, kudos to Christofer Drew, the man who showed me the meaning of life through his music. His lyrics have given me advice to go by for a little over a year. I couldn't thank him enough.

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We were all the best of friends. At least, until the day that our lives were flipped upside down. Sounds cliche', am I right? Not exactly. I'm not going to sit here and tell you some stupid, I-saw-that-coming fairytale. Oh, no. I'm not going to give you some story about true love and all of that crap. You're gonna get the reality of love. The reality of relationships. They were right when they told you that love isn't easy.



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There we sat, in Natalie's Cafe downtown. I was sitting beside my boyfriend, Cameron. Across the table were Connor and his girlfriend, Jamie.

"...and that, children, is why you never skateboard in the rain!" Connor said, laughing. He was telling us about his little 'adventure' at the local skate the rain. He was such a goof. He always did the craziest things. Connor was all for a challenge. One of his rail-grinding-gone-wrong videos even went viral. Broke his skateboard and almost face-planted onto the cement. Luckily, he lived by the 'Hands-Before-Face' rule. Let's just say that he is quite the entertainment. He was the loudest of all of us, and we had the best times together. We were like a family.

"Okay...lesson learned," Cameron said sarcastically with a smirk on his face.

Jamie was practically glued to her phone. Apparently Facebook is quite interesting, because she wouldn't put her phone down. Connor kept sneaking looks at her phone while she was texting. Every time he did this, she'd get annoyed and elbow him.

"I hate to admit it, Jamie, but that is funny." Connor nodded at me, and I rolled my eyes. "You never get off of the phone."

"Yes, I do, Macy!" Jamie said, putting her phone down on the table. She fidgeted for a moment and snatched it back. Cameron and I laughed so hard.

"Told you!" Cam and I spoke simultaneously. We looked at each other awkwardly.

"JINX!" Connor announced.

"Dude, we know." Cameron said, raising his eyebrow.

I came up with an idea. "Okay, let's all stack our phones in the middle of the table. Whoever cracks first and uses their phone buys everyone a Monster."

Connor's eyes grew wide and he chunked his phone towards the middle of the table. Of course, Jamie was the last to put her phone down.

And she was the first one to pick up her phone.

Two hours and eight Monsters later, we were wired. We all had two apiece. We had headed over to see The Hunger Games at the local cinema, and we were kicked out. What can I say? We were loud. I don't blame the manager. Although I couldn't help screaming when Peeta and Katniss kissed. I had, quite frankly, fallen in love with Josh Hutcherson when I saw Bridge To Terebithia a few years ago.

That was the last time we all hung out together. The next two weeks were pretty harsh for us. At least, for two of us. A web of lies and broken friendships. But it also brought two of us together. Things happen for a reason. So let's start at the beginning.

We weren't always the best of friends. We hadn't always had the perfect boyfriend or girlfriend. It started about three years ago. Connor and I met when we were twelve. Connor had just moved here, and it was the summer. The summer before seventh grade. He was the new kid, and I was the loner. We just clicked. We hung out a lot. During seventh and eighth grade, we were close friends. Like brother and sister. Connor had the biggest crush on Jamie last summer, and Jamie was one of my close friends. So I set them up. In return, Connor set me up on a date with Cameron. Cameron and Jamie are going into tenth grade. Connor and I are going into ninth. So we're almost fifteen, While Cam and Jamie are almost sixteen. There was a slight age difference between all four of us, but we didn't care. Friends are friends.

So Jamie and Connor started dating. They really did make a good couple. After the first date with Cameron, I was in love. He asked me to be is girlfriend a few weeks after we started seeing each other. Sounds perfect, doesn't it? Connor gets the girl who he fell for, and I get the guy of my dreams. Now we're all friends, and we're living the life. Boy meets Girl, they become best friends, then the boy falls in love with her best friend, and Girl falls in love with his best friend. And they all lived happily ever after. (Yeah, confusing, I know.) Not really. Little did we know, everything would fall apart.

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