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Ari and Alex were not known for getting themselves in trouble, however in their twenty-two years of life, they had fucked up more than once. Although, none of it could ever compare to the situation they had currently gotten themselves into.

Perhaps it was better to start from the beginning. Alex and Ari were to separate espers, that shared one body. They didn't know how it happened, just that they had been together since they understood the idea of consciousness.

Ari was quite and intelligent. His psychic powers often included; telepathy, manipulation and empathy.

Alex was more loud and forceful. His telekinesis was off the charts as was his body levitation.

Oddly enough, they worked for the FBI. Of course not as actual agents, more like trick ponies to be used when needed. It paid the bills for the identity they created, Arix Calvi.

The people they worked with often found them creepy, but they had no idea of the whole separate soul thing. Mostly they just saw their eyes change color when one or the other took over. Ari's dark blue, or Alex's intense green.

Having always been this way, they were involved in the supernatural world quite often. Having drinks with a few fae friends, stealing blood from blood banks for vampires. It only recently came to bite them in the ass, when they found out about demons, and what they could do about it.

"Alex. I don't want to be here." Ari said sternly. To anyone else, it would seem like he was talking to himself. However, Alex answered him from somewhere in the back of their shared mind. 

~"We're fine. Look something has to be done about this, and no one else is going to do anything. At least not without dying."~

"Yes, but why does it have to be us?" Ari asked.

~"Because we're awesome, now get moving."~

Ari knew that if he could actually see Alex, he would look ridiculously smug right now. "I hate you."

~ "I hate me too. Now get on with our job." ~

As Ari was the one piloting their body, he would have a stronger connection to his powers. If this was a low level possession, he would have no trouble exorcising the demon, and setting the poor human free.

The air around them was cold, but completely still. They both knew it was a bad sign. 

Oddly enough, they were in a park, void of any living beings. Perhaps the demons fault.

"Alex. Something is wrong." Ari said, unwilling to move any further from where they had stopped.

~ "We're hunting a demon. What did you expect?" ~

"No. Something is really wrong. I can't feel him anymore. He shouldn't be able to hide from me."

Ari wasn't able to elaborate anymore, as the screaming had started. Both a human and a demon screaming from pain in unison. Ari fell to his knees, clutching his head. He could feel it. He could feel them. It felt like his body was being sliced from head to toe. God. It felt like they were pulling out his organs. Of course it's not like he had been through something like that, to know what it felt like, but fuck he was in pain. Could Alex feel this, or was it just him?

~"Ari. Let me take over. We have to go now." ~  Alex was panicking. He never panicked. He was always the reliable one, never having to worry about what he could feel around them, as that was Ari's department. 

"I can't." Ari was gasping for breath as he tried to speak. "It... won't stop. I-I can't sever the connection." He coughed.

Alex tried multiple times to take over, to no avail. However, as soon as it started, it stopped. The screaming, the pain. Ari wanted to sob in relief. 

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