Social Anxiety.

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Social anxiety is not just about being shy, it's way more than that.

It's the feeling of wanting to run away and hide when having to come in contact with people.

It's lying to your friends when they ask you, "Do you want to hang out?" and replying with "No, I'm busy." or "No, I don't feel good." just to get out of going into public.

It's the feeling of being judged when you look over to a group of people and see them laughing and you think they are laughing at you.

Social anxiety is the feeling of wanting to look someone in the eyes when talking to them but, you just can't.

It's the feeling of trying to get your words out but they just won't budge. It's as if your brain has tied all your thoughts into a knot and you just can't figure out how to untie them!

It's the feeling of saying "what?" 5 times just to make sure you know what the person said because you have the constant fear of feeling/looking/sounding stupid.

It's the feeling of shame when you can tell that the person you are talking to is getting frustrated because you can't speak.

Please don't get frustrated.

Social anxiety is the feeling of wanting to say something or tell someone something but, you are too afraid to say it.

It's as if you are drowning in your own words inside your head just trying to figure out the correct thing to say.

Social anxiety is paranoia, awkward, uncomfortable, frustrating, and scary.

Social anxiety is real.

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