Chapter Ten

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The opportunity to ask Aku did not come as early as I expected. There were times when Lorraine and I wanted to ask and then other times, we would both chicken out because we didn't want to be victims. It took us about a week before we finally got Aku to ourselves. Before then, I closely monitored Nann's activities. Ever since that night, her movements became stranger and stranger. There were times when I wouldn't see her after school and there were times when she wouldn't sleep in her own bed at night yet I would see her when it was normal to see her; like at the dining hall, classroom, assembly and even in the bathroom. She may not have known but I felt even more awkward around her because I saw her when she was most vulnerable. If she had any more bruises, I wouldn't know because she covered up. Even on days when the sun was shining at its highest peak she would still wear a sweater.

The trouble with Sister Joan died down. The Queens did not get punished therefore all was well. Sister Joan was just going to steer clear away from them.

As if luck was on our side, Aku decided during our snack period to sit with us. Lorraine looked at me and nudged me to ask her the question. When I wasn't, she eyed me and tapped Aku's leg.

"Yes?" Aku turned to Lorraine.

"Is Nann part of The Queens?" I blurted out.

Aku turned to the two of us with an alarmed look in her eyes and then she frowned, "You think I know because I like to talk about people eh?"

Lorraine and I glanced at each other.

"We are sorry", I started to say, "it's just that I've noticed strange things happening to Nann and I'm concerned."

Aku sighed. "Okay but you have to promise not to tell a soul. Swear on your lives."

"We swear!" Lorraine rose her hand and mine.

"I'm a mole."

We looked at Aku confusedly. What mole?

"The animal?" I asked.

Aku made a face at us. "It's like a secret informant. I'm a mole for The Queens. We are all over. We aren't part of The Queens but when we gather information for them, we get things; like food and stuff. Sometimes moles get invited to the best parties during the vacation. So in a situation like this where you two have asked me what is going on between Nann and The Queens, I'm obliged to tell them."

"So you're going to tell on us?" Lorraine asked her.

"No", she shook her head and then lowered her voice, "But you need to be careful with who you talk to about The Queens. You can't just go talking about them. One of them in my house asked me to be a mole and even though it's not Queen level, I do get some benefits."

If Josie had told them about my questions, could that have meant that Josie was a mole as well?

"What's the story with Nann then?" I wanted to know.

"Remember when you first asked me about Nann and I told you the story of how she started dating another girl in our old school?" Aku asked us.


"Well, Nann was a very popular girl. She used to get into high school parties and knew a lot of people. Everyone knew Nann and just how wild she could get so when her name appeared on the new students' list this September, The Queens were ready for her. They normally don't pick first years but Nann was the exception because they knew her already. But then school started and when we got here I noticed a very different Nann; she was quiet and she didn't have friends..." Aku's voice trailed off.

Lorraine and I looked at her eagerly. "What's wrong?"

Aku looked around before she lowered her voice even more. "I really shouldn't be telling you this. The Queens are not just any ordinary group of cool girls. They date among themselves."

"You mean they are..." Lorraine's eyes opened wide.

"Lesbians", I finished.

I mean, I wasn't entirely surprised but I was slightly taken aback. I had suspected especially when I saw Nann cleaning up that night.

"They coach girls. That's why they don't take first years. They spend that year observing girls with potential but some cases are special as in the case of Nann and Rowena. They want Nann because she's had that experience before but many of the girls in the group were coached into it. Ideally, the head should be a senior but it went to Rowena because of the influence she has over the school and if she is groomed well enough, Nann might be the next Rowena Golightly."

"So Diane is a lesbian too?" Lorraine asked of Hannah's sister.

"All of them", Aku said.

"Do you know that she is being abused?" I spoke up.

Aku frowned. "Who? Nann?"

I nodded. "Yes, Nann."

"She didn't partake in the walkout against Sister Joan. The Queens were angry and had to teach her a lesson."

"That's crazy!" I nearly yelled and then lowered my voice. "I mean she's being sexually abused. She has bruises all over her body, she has irregular sleep patterns, she's lost so much weight and she's already skinny. We have to report this to someone."

Aku panicked. "No! JJ, this is why I didn't want to tell you. Those girls will kill me if they found out I told you guys all this."

"Besides, if Rowena owns this school there'd be no one to turn to. Which teacher would take on that job? Sister Joan? She was already defeated in battle last week", Lorraine pointed out.

"I don't think she's being sexually abused JJ", Aku said.

"But she is! I just know she is!"

Lorraine put her hand on my shoulder. "Calm down."

"I want you to see, Aku and then maybe you will change your mind", I said.

She looked to be in deep thought. "The Queens meet everyday between three to four. There is an uncompleted building at the Old Market."

"Can you sneak out of your houses?" I asked the two girls.

Later that afternoon, the three of us walked solemnly back to our houses. Aku was first to turn into her house. Muller House was the first on House Street.

"Do you think she will come?" Lorraine asked me.

"She will."

"So if we catch them doing something to Nann, who will believe us?"

"I don't know. We just need to confirm it and get someone on our side. But the girl is suffering", I said.

Our houses faced each other so we both turned and headed inside. I don't know about her but several knots formed in my stomach as I walked in. 

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