Chapter two

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Me and Tink flew up to see what was happening. But I stopped when I saw Vidian. I asked him what was happening.

"Hey Vidian, what's going on? What's that noise?" I asked him.

"Nothin' much, some humans are just coming over. It happens every year." He explained.

"Okay. We should check up on Tink."

"Yeah, I don't trust him alone.." We flew up to the top of the tree. We saw Tink flying in the direction of a moving contraption.

"I'll go make sure that he doesn't get in trouble." I said, following Tink.

"I'll come, too." Said Vidian, also following.

Vidian made small talk with me whilst we followed Tinker. We were talking about our personal lives. For some reason he was very curious about me. I blushed lightly from all the attention. I don't think he noticed though.

Once we reached the human house, we started to go down towards the ground. It appeared as if the humans were inside the house, but we still hid, just in case. We hid behind one of the wheels of the carriage. There we saw Tink messing with the inside of the structure.

"Tinker, what do you think you're doing here?!" Vidian whispered/screamed/asked angrily.

"Vidian, (Y/N), this is amazing! This is a carriage that moves by itself! Seriously, look, do you two see a horse out there?!" Tink asked excitedly.

"Uh, no." Stated Vidian.

"It's a HORSELESS carriage! And do you want to know how it works?" Tink asked.

"No." Said Vidian.

"Kinda, but not now!" I said worriedly.

"So do I! I think the wheels move because this chain thing rotates," He flew past us, totally not picking up on our dislike of being so close to the human house, "A-and I think what rotates this chain thing is this big..--"

"I don't care Tinker, we shouldn't be this close to the human house." Vidian cut Tink off.

"Vidian's right Tink, what if they see us?!" I said still worried, but Tink was in his own little world.

"Would you stop fluttering around in there, this is serious!" Said Vidian.

"You know what guys, I think this powers the whole thing!" Tink said, as he tried pushing a giant gray fan.

"Ugh.." Vidian groaned in annoyance.

"Sorry about my brother.." I apologized.

"It's okay.. But this, my dear, is exactly why Tinkers shouldn't come to the mainland, they--" Vidian tried to say, but was cut off as water poured onto him.

"Vidian!!" I exclaimed in shock.

"Let me know if this does anything!" Tink said from somewhere in the carriage.

Vidian coughed as he tried to get back up, I went to help him, but another stream of water poured onto him and knocked him back to the ground.

"Well, anything? Vidian, you're all wet...!" Tink said, slightly shocked.

"You don't say..." Vidian said in an obvious tone. I sighed before helping Vidian back up.

"Father, Father, Father!" We heard a young female voice call. We all ran to the front left wheel and hid there. "Can we bring our tea and scones out here in the garden? It'll be just like a little pick-nick!" Said a girl. We saw two pairs of feet walk up to the back of the carriage. One pair seeming to belong to a older male voice and the second belonged to a younger cheery female voice.

Male! Vidia x Tinker Fairy! Reader: Tinker Bell and The Great Fairy RescueWhere stories live. Discover now