My Past

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I'm finally better, no being sick, no coughing, no sneezing. All better.
"Hey gorgeous, feeling better today" Blake said as I went through to see him making coffee.
"Yeah much better"
"Your phone's been going off non stop" he said handing me coffee
"What is it babe?"
"Nothing, it's fine" I said turning my phone off. I put it down and had breakfast. "What are your plans for the day Bo" I asked him.
"I'm not sure, would you like to do anything?"
"Nah just a quiet day in would be lovely"

"Ann why are you being so distant? All day you've been avoiding me all day"
"It's nothing, nothing is wrong, I'm not avoiding you, I love you"
"I know something is wrong, for God's sake just tell me. I love you so much, you can't avoid me forever"
"Fine, you really want to know? It's this stupid message a got"
"Who's sent it you?"
"It from someone I used to go to school with"
"Oh my God what are they saying"
"With your gaining popularity they're going to tell the world I was a teen mum, I don't know who the dad is because I slept around and more like that"
"They can't do that I won't let them"
"You have no power over this though Blake she can put whatever she likes on the Internet"
"I won't let them Anna, I can't just stand by and let them destroy your career"
"It's not just my career that I'm worried about, it's yours you've worked so hard to get where you are"
"What did they want for them not tell?"
"They want me to meet with them, they're probably are die hard NHC fans and want to meet you"
"Well, go and if that's it call me and I'll be there in the blink of an eye"

"Hello Annabelle"
"Why would you do this?" I asked her.
"Do what?"
"Becky, you said you were going to tell the world and ruin my career and my boyfriends"
"You have everything I've ever dreamed of. You have a career in the spotlight, you have Blake Richardson, you have your own place, get to travel the world, everything. It's not fair"
"I work so hard, I've worked so hard to get where I am, don't ruin my career please I beg of you"
"Well maybe you deserve it, you shouldn't have got pregnant"
"That wasn't my fault" I started tearing up, "please don't do this"
"All I want is to meet Blake, I've admired him for years, when I found out you were dating him, I don't even know it hurt even though I knew I could never have him the fact you did hurt me"
"So because of the man I love you're going to ruin my whole life"
"I just want to meet Blake"
"Of course you do, I just don't understand why you'd do this to Blake, you essentially want to ruin his career too"
"Can I just meet Blake two minutes is all I want"
"Fine! I'll call him"

"Hey beautiful" he said hugging me and kissing my cheek.
"Hey handsome" he sat down next to me. "This is Becky we used to go to school together"
"Oh right, hi there" he was of course just being nice.
"I'm a massive fan of your music"
"Aw thanks always nice to meet a fan"
"I'm so jealous of Annabelle she gets to be with you 24/7"
"I'm sure she gets fed up of me, I'm messy, loud, sleep all the time. I must get really boring. She only likes me when I sing to her"
"I'm so jealous I'd die if my boyfriend sang to me"
Blake's phone buzzed.
"Hey it was nice meeting you but I gotta go, Joe texted me there's been a problem at the studio my vocals for the new song have been lost, I'll see you later gorgeous" he stood up and kissed my cheek. "I love you"
"I love you too"

"Happy, you met Blake. Now please leave me alone"
"Of course, you kept your end of the deal"

"Did it work babe" Blake
"I think so, maybe. Aren't you meant to be at the studio?"
"Nah I made that up, it was just a notification. I didn't want to be there anymore, I thought I might loose it"
"Thanks babe you're the best"
"Ann, you always have to remember I love you so much, you're my girl and I'd do anything to protect you" I love it when he calls me his girl it makes me feel protected and safe.
"I know that I'm just don't like getting you worried about me"
"I'll always be worried about you"
"It's my stupid fault"
"No it's not, I'm always here when you want to talk about it"
"Can we talk now?"
"Of course we can" we sat down on the sofa.
"When I was a school I had no friends but I was obsessed with music so I spent every break and lunch time in music"
"What did you do?"
"I played and practiced"
"How did I not know?"
"Music is your thing. I spent everyday there even when I was closed to everyone else the teacher let me in and sit in the corner and do revision because he knew everything and didn't think it was fair to let me go out and get, well attacked"
"I'm so sorry baby"
"It was nice being away from everyone with my favourite teacher, he was so sweet he was one of the few people that knew everything. Whenever anyone questioned about the dad or anything especially teachers he'd make sure they knew not to question me ever again, he also taught he guitar and ukulele"
"Why have you never told me or played for me?"
"It was your thing, so I put my guitar away I didn't want to tread on you toes music is your thing"
"Play something for me"
"Ok I will but I haven't practiced in nearly a year and a half so only old songs and awful singing"
He went and fetched his guitar. I played Riptide by Vance Joy.
"Oh my God Anna you are so good"
"Thanks B but I'm not"

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