Chapter 6

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I sat on the couch staring at the balnk white wall in front of me, that used to be covered with pictures of me, it was almost like a shrine to me. Those pictures now spread out around the house, mom said we needed to move them because they had been there since I was born, but  I hated change. Change was my worst fear besides the fear of losing somene I loved. Mom said I needed to embrace change, that a little change was good for someone. Plus, she told me she was going to put a huge flat screen TV up on the wall, but to be honest I was starting to enjoy the blank white wall. It had almost become a safe haven for me, a place that I could just sit and think.  Repalying the events of the day on blank white wall.

Right now I couldnt stop thinking about the car ride with Harry, every word he said sending shivers up my spine as I replayed them in my head. His evil smirk that he had on his face when I turned around to look at him one last time before he drove off, appearing on the white wall. A smirk that I knew would haunt my dreams.

Suddenly that front door flew open and in walked my mother. Her golden blonde hair pinned back perfectly, letting her gorgeous aged face be seen. She wore a white blouse that was tucked into her black  pencil skirt, showing off her slim figure.  Her smile brightened wants she saw me, after she had shut the door.

"Oh honey I didn't expect to see you home, since your car was not parked out front," her soft voice echoed throughout the room.

"My car died, I had someone drive me home," my voice emotionless, as I gave her a blank stare. I stood up and began walking to my room. I was halfway up the stairs before her voice stopped me.

"Okay what are you going to do about it? Oh and where is Luke, I thought he was supposed to come home with you today?" she asked me, throwing the questions at my face so fast I almost didn't catch them. 

"I will figure something out at school tommorow," I answered and began walking up the stairs again.

"What about Luke!" She shouted at me from the bottom of the stairs. I stopped dead in my tracks.

"He had better things to do," the bitterness rushing through my voice. She was silent after that, finnaly leaving me alone. 

Once I reached my room. I stripped out of my clothes. Beforte tugging my black breeches up my legs and tucking my white polo shirt into them.

I eagerly ran down the stairs, excited to get out of this hell whole of a house. It held to many good memories of her, thus making it into a hell whole.

After putting my tall boots on, I called out to my mom "I will be home around 8."

Then opened the front door, the cool air imediantly hitting me. I began walking to the barn, which was only two blocks from my house. In the distance I could see the white fencing that ran around the whole prerimeter of the farm. Once I neared the front pasture, I coud see his figure, off in the distance.

"Silly!" I called for him and not soon after I saw his head poke up from the grass he was grazing on. Once his eyes landed on me, he began cantering over to me. Coming to a halt right in front of me.

"Hey buddy," I soflty spoke to him, leaning over the fence to place a soft kiss on his muzzle. Quickly, I started sprinting down the long drive way that led to the main barn. Turning around once to see if he was following me, and sure enough he was galloping right behind me. The smile on my face grew larger, as he flew past me my short legs not a match to his four long ones.

Once we both had reached the gate, I went to grab his lead rope, opening the gate, and clipping it onto his halter.  I began leading him to the main barn, but a deep voice stopped me.

"Hi Anna," he said a smile beggining to grow on his face.

"Hey Matt," I replied a small smile growing on my own face.

"Here early for a school day, huh?" he asked while bending down to pick up a brush boot that was lying on the ground.

"No Homework on the first day, so where else would I go," I let out a small laugh, shaking my head.

"Oh I don't know what kids your age do now, maybe drugs behind the school or-" he was cut off by a loud rumbling noice coming from the beginning of the long driveway.  A motorcylce soon came into view. The driver had messy dark curls tucked into a helmet and I knew then that it could be only one person.



Sorry I haven't updated for weeks but I"ve been extremely busy with school and then a school trip to washighton DC, plus my riding I just haven't had any time to write, but I finally made time. Yay! Once again sorry this is so short and boring but please keep reading:)x



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