Chapter 4

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When I finally reached Luke, he was talking to a busty blonde.

Her blue eyes were ice cold, and her blonde hair was up in a high ponytail. Foundation was caked on her face, and about 10 layers of mascara covered her eyelashes.

One of her small hands was placed on Luke's chest, while she whispered something in his ear, causing both of them to smirk. She grabbed one of his large hands connecting it with one of her smaller hands, and they turned to walk away.

Luke looked over his shoulder, his eyes meeting mine. He mouthed 'I'll call you later' and then turned around. Hopping into the blondes car and driving off.

The wind blew around me as I watched the car fade off into the distance. I was confused to why Luke would leave me like that. He had clearly seen It talking to me, and he knows how scared I get around It. I thought he would at least ask me if I was okay, but no he had to go run off with that girl and do whatever in gods name they were doing. Luke wasn't necessarily a manwhore, but he did like his women and whenever he got a chance to hook up he wouldn't let it pass him. It wasn't like I was jealous or anything, Luke and I were strictly best friends. To be honest I don't think I could even last an hour dating him, he would get on my nerves to fast. I was just hurt that he didn't check to make sure I was okay, he was all I had besides my mom. Well on the plus side he wouldn't eat all my food when we got to my house.

I was still a little shaken up and on edge after what happened with It, my breathing was unsteady. I took in a deep breath, trying to remind myself that I was surrounded by people, safe here. But then I felt it, a single tear sliding down my cheek. I quickly started walking to my car, praying that I could hold myself together till I got to the privacy of my car. But I didn't get that far, before I was stopped by a shrill voice.

"What the hell was that"

Daisy. I stopped walking. Turning around, she was right behind me. Another tear slid down my cheek. Hearing her say these five words was overwhelming. I was so used to her just saying a one word insult to me, not a full sentence. She began speaking again.

"What the hell do you think you are doing, Anna," she said. "I can't believe you were talking to him, after you accused him of doing something so outrageous! What, were you trying to get more evidence on him so you could go to the police again or something."

Somehow I managed to ignore her, turning around and beginning to walk to my car again. Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry. I kept telling myself, but I could feel my eyes welling up with water.

"Don't you ignore me," Daisy was saying. "Turn around, bitch!"

I didn't turn around, I just ignored her. I could feel here ice cold eyes burning a whole in my back, but I just kept walking. Focusing on my target, my car. I was 20 feet away from it, now 10, 5, finally I opened the door handle. Sitting down on the seat and turning the key. Something was wrong, the car wouldn't start, I turned the key again. Nothing, my car was dead.

"Everything okay," I jumped at the deep raspy voice, talking from my car window.

"Please just leave me alone," I asked him, not even looking up to meet his eyes.

"Well since your car isn't working, would you like a ride?" he said, completely ignoring my plead to leave me alone.

"I said p-lease ju-st go," I replied with a shaky voice, tears pouring out of my eyes.

"Are you sure you don't want a ride?" He asked once more.

I finally I looked up, meeting his eyes. They were filled with sympathy and only sympathy. Without thinking I nodded my head, "but on one condition, you tell me your name."



Hi sorry this is short but I'm extremely tired and I might do a double update anyway

I promise you harry will come into the book more once I get more into the action, so just wait

oh and if you're wondering who daisy is, she is Its girlfriend.

Lastly, I need a good boys name for It so if you have any ideas let me know

Love all of you


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