Chapter 1

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"All right, everyone! You can go home now. Fill out your time charts and place them on my desk in my office. Have a good weekend!" Bryce Lassiter handed the last receipt to the last customer of the day. He sighed in relief and shifted his weight from one aching foot to the other. Bryce smiled as his boss approached his counter. "Did you hear the announcement, Mr. Lassiter?"

"Yes, I did, sir. Thank you for asking."

"I know how focused you are when you are working, so I wasn't sure if you heard me or not."

"Yes sir, Mr. Daniels. I'll see you on Monday," Bryce said. He reached under the counter and grabbed his time chart. His pen scribbled rapidly across the paper. He hurried through the large department store and paused long enough to place his time card on the boss's desk, before exiting the building. He dug into the pocket of his black, suit pants for his phone. He tapped the screen and smiled when he saw the time. 5:06... I have enough time to walk home instead of taking the subway. Bryce turned his head and gazed up at the bold letters above the south entrance to the mall. They proudly read: Dillard's.

He turned his face into the crisp August wind and began the trek homeward. Home to him was just an apartment building. Nothing fancy, nothing big. But it was home, because his twin brother, Grant, was there, and his mom, and his sister. Bryce smiled as he thought of his sister. With her big blue eyes and raven-colored hair, she turned the head of any male her age.

He pushed his hands into the pockets of his suit jacket and lowered his head against the chilling breeze. Brightly colored leaves crunched under his feet with every step. Five more minutes and I'll be home. A touch on his arm startled him. Glancing up, he found himself looking into the eyes of a beautiful woman. Bryce cringed away from her as he realized what she wanted. Her intense green eyes bored into his own dark ones. He glanced away and coughed. She tilted her head and addressed him with a heavy accent, "I only charge seventy-five dollars typically, but since you are such a looker, I'll lower my price to fifty." Bryce shook his head and edged away. "No, I'm not into that... that... um...kind of thing." She shrugged and stepped back. He hurried away from her as quickly as he could. Just before Bryce turned the corner onto Rippore Street, he glanced back at the woman. Her long black hair whipped in the breeze as she stepped towards yet another 'customer'.

Bryce frowned as he thought about that woman. There had been a certain look in her eye, aside from lust, that had made him want to stop and talk to her. He sighed. He knew what that look was. Many of the women on the streets had had some kind of tragedy in their life that had put them into the situation they now found themselves in. The look was usually founded on desperation.

Bryce looked up at the tall apartment building looming overhead. He could see the light blue curtains in his bedroom window. Their apartment was up on the eighteenth floor. He almost ran the last few steps to the glass front doors, and sighed in relief as he stepped into the heated atmosphere. "Bryce!" He jerked to a halt as his sister, Stormy, burst out of the elevator with her mother and brother in tow. Bryce grew pale as he saw his mom leaning on a police officer, grief etched on her face. Tears streamed down Stormy's cheeks, and Grant stared at the floor. "What's going on?" Bryce gasped. The short, blond officer reached out and placed his hand on Bryce's shoulder. "I am so sorry to have to tell you this, but Melanie was killed in a car accident fifteen minutes ago." Bryce stared at the officer in uncomprehending shock. He willed the truth to become a lie. Melanie is dead?!?!? No!... dear God, not her.

He shook as sobs tore through his chest. Grant grabbed him and wrapped him in a bear hug. Stormy cried as she hugged her mother. The officer stepped back to give the distraught family some room. Bryce gasped for air as pain sliced through his heart. His head began to spin and his vision faded. From far away, he heard Stormy scream. Then all was silence.

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