Chapter 2: Ronnie

Start from the beginning

 I curl up more into a ball, trying to get the horrible memory out of my head. “How much longer?”  I ask. It comes out shaky.  Guess because I am scared.

                “About a few more hours, don’t worry, try to sleep.”   I didn’t answer to that.  I can’t sleep, but I was exhausted and soon found my eyes getting heavier and heavier as we drove on.  Soon my head falls and my body goes limp and I fall asleep.

                When the car finally comes to stop I feel someone shaking me.  My eyes slowly open and I yawn.  I look up Logan’s green eyes and he smiles back at me.  “Wake up sleepy head,” he moves to one side and I can see Kimberley already awake.  I stretch and get out of the jeep.  The place looks vacant.  It looks huge and we were under an awning that is made out of logs.  I shiver because snow covers the ground and I just realized something, can dad follow our tracks?  Hope not, the doors that seal the entrance were lazars connecting from one side to the other.  Logan presses his figure down on a pad and a keyboard pops up.  He types in something that is seven symbols long. 

                The lasers shut off and the doors open.  “Come on in.” Logan says allowing us to go through first.  Once we stepped in a lobby stood before us with a wood ceiling and a stone floor.  A hallway leads down each way where you walk in.  A statue of a bald eagle stood in the middle of the lobby and a desk is on the right of it.  The lobby is mostly empty, except for about 3 or four people and us. 

                “Where is everyone?”  Kimberley asks.

                “Well it is five in the morning, probably still sleeping,” Logan says crossing his arms looking around, “it is Friday, so people will be going to school today.”  Logan drops his arms to his side and walks more into the lobby. 

                “Outcasts go to school?  Do people know?”  I ask.  Kimberley looks at me sternly saying, shut up, but Logan just laughs again. 

                “Yes, they’re allowed, but we don’t go around boasting out ‘hey I’m an Outcast.’  We try to keep it on the down low around other people.”  He swipes his hand a little to the side of his body as he says that. “I would like you two to meet someone.”  He walks over behind the bear where a high ceiling was and furniture like couches and chairs were set around the windows facing outside at a huge mountain.  Someone was sitting in a chair staring at the fire burning in the fire place to the left of the windows.   

                “Hello Sargent McCarthy,” Logan says.  The figure turns around.  It is a woman.  Her hair is short, dark brown and changes to red when it comes to the ends.  Her eyes were grey color, but what really scared me is she has a long scar running from the top of her eyebrow to the bottom of her cheek.  I flinch a little but Kimberley looks at it in awe.  I crouch behind my sister afraid of the woman.  She looks older than Logan but seems just as tough. 

                “Commander Logan,” she stands up looking straight at him.  She is as tall as Logan and looks about in her early 20’s.  She wears a black leather jacket with a belt the same as Logan’s.  A gun was swung around her back and she wore leather boots.  Weapons were hanging around her hips and I knew one thing from the start, I wouldn’t want to get into a fight with her.  She then shoots her eyes down at us.  “What have we here, couple of runaways?”

                “No, a couple survivors.”  She shifted her eyes back at Logan in shock as he says that.  “Their father is a Union soldier; he murdered their mother who was an American.  They are also Americans who survived.  I found them on the border of Illinois and Indiana.  I almost hit them, luckily they scared me half to death I stopped in my tracks.  I decided they needed a home.”

                “Commander Logan I need soldiers, not small mouths to feed.  They are no use to me.”  Her voice was hurtful and I felt Kimberly tense up, were we going to have to become runaway, living on the streets begging for food, just waiting for someone to say come in and stay.  No, we would die first, but Logan steps in front of us, almost protecting us by his body. 

“They will grow; we have kids younger than them.  Why can’t we have two more?” Logan demands.

“They have already started their training, these two don’t even know what we are or what we do, and they don’t know how to fight.”  Sergeant McCarthy hissess.  “I don’t need more children I need men who will fight.”

“Then teach us,” Kimberley blurts out.  I look up at her with surprise.  She has a lot of guts to say that as a nine year old, but I know she would say something like that.  After everything we’ve been through tonight I highly doubt anything scares her anymore, let alone some lady. 

“Your training will take years to complete,” she spats in her face leaning down.  “Who will train you all of our men are either training themselves or training younguns like you-“

“I will train them, Carson.”  Logan interrupts. She pauses and stands up having her eyes harden on his. 

“You, shall train them into fighters?” She repeats slowly and steadily so he hears it all.  “You already have three others you have to train.”

“One is almost done and he will be moving on to the junior class, another has decided he wants to become a program manager.  I can train two more . . . let me rephrase that, I want to train these two.  They have potential and I have a feeling they will become great soldiers.”

Sergeant McCarthy looks at him then down at us.  I step out from behind Kimberley and stand up straight, showing her I’m not afraid.  Carson’s expression softens a little and she sighs, “Alright, I’ll take two more, because they have had a rough night, and they also survived a murder attack.  That has to count for something.  Show them to their room and come back down.”  She turns to sit back down but stops, “We have to talk.”

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