Part 1

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I open my eyes and see the room spinning, surely I didn't drink that much last night. I know I didn't, yet I feel as though I am drunk, very drunk. Wait a minute, Why is it so dark still? What time is it?

Feeling dizzy and sick, I eventually manage to sit up. With the room still spinning, I try to focus my eyes. Woah, where am I? What's that smell? It's a dirty, stale, rotten smell.. I try not to gag as I continue to try to focus on my surroundings. Everything is so blurry. To my left I can just about see daylight shining through a tiny gap in the curtains. This is not my flat, where the hell am I?!

I try to stand but my legs feel like jelly, I feel week and numb. In a panic I begin to crawl towards the window, I only get about two foot forwards before I feel something tugging on my waist. What's going on? I look down to see something wrapped around my waist, come on eyes focus.. wait is that a.. Is that a chain?!

"Oh my god!" I yelled, "where am I?! What's going on?! Someone help me!"

I fumble with the chain around my waist, trying desperately to get it off, but the end link is padlocked to another. I try to wriggle out of it but it's so tight I can't get it over my hips, it wont budge at all. My eyes are beginning to adjust, I grab the chain and follow it, only to find that it is attached to a pipe on what appears to be a wood burner. This end of the chain is padlocked as well, pulling at the padlock I begin to cry uncontrollably.

"Somebody help me," I sob, "please somebody help me."

I sit and lean against the wall, I suddenly realise that I can't hear anything at all. Where's the sound of the Saturday traffic? We can't be in the city. Where am I?! Wherever I am, I am trapped, there is no way I can get this chain off. What am I supposed to do in this situation? what happened last night? I have to try to remember.

Panicking isn't going to help, I have to try to stay calm. I sit and think, I can remember being out with the girls for Chantelle's birthday. I remember going to two pubs, then on to the club. I don't remember leaving there though, it doesn't make sense. I had two drinks before the club and two drinks in the club, I specifically remember Hannah trying to skip getting her round. Oh wait, the free drinks, I remember now, that group of men bought us a round of drinks. The strange one kept staring at me. He was dressed smart, as were his friends. they all seemed nice enough, except for the strange one, he had this look in his eyes. I remember every time our eyes met, I didn't know whether to feel flattered that he kept looking or feel scared of his creepy gaze. I really don't remember anything after that though.

I look around the room again, it's so dark and I can't move to reach the curtains. I look to my right towards the door, I can see the light shining under the bottom. Wait.. what is that? I blink a few times to try focus my eyes better and look again. There under the door I see a shadow. Panicking I scurry towards the corner of the room, as far as the chain will allow me to go, as far away from the door as I can get. I turn back to the door to see the shadow still there, wobbling back and forth slightly.

Suddenly I hear a creaking noise, the door handle begins to move. I have never been so scared in my entire life, my heart is racing, I can hear it beating,I can feel it pounding through my chest. Tears are running down my face, my legs feel even weaker than before. Fear is taking over. As the door begins to open, my entire body freezes, I cannot move. Day light shines through the gap of the door, lighting up the room more and more as it opens.
It's so bright, my eyes hurt, I partially shield them as I look up at the man standing in the door way. It is him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2018 ⏰

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