On the train to Hogwarts

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Arcadia's wand is Dead BlackThorn Wood 13 1/2 in" with a Thestral Hair fused with Artemis's hair core which is why he hardly misses. He has a Phoenix named Armageddon (nicknamed Army), for reasons.

Now on with the story!!!
Arcadia's POV~
I sit in a compartment with Armageddon on my shoulder. I start humming an old song lost to the sands of time.

"I've grown tired of this body
Fall apart without me body."

"That's a bit morbid, mate."

My head snaps up to see the famous Marauders my adoptive father told me about. James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and Peter Pettigrew.

"Yeah it is, isn't it," I mumbled while looking at them, "What ya guys doin'?"

"Oh sorry! I'm Remus Lup-"

"I know you are but what do you want?" I cut him off quickly, not wanting to sit through introductions and formalities.

"Ohh, can we sit here, everywhere else is full," Potter questions.

I nod my head before looking at Army and giving him the leftover leg of a chocolate frog.

" I'm Arcadia and this is Armageddon or Army for short. Say Hi Army,"

Army Flaps his wings at them.

"Nice to meet you but if you don't mind me asking why do you have a Phoenix? I thought you couldn't have them as pets," Black points out.

"Oh, no is fine. He can attend school with me because we have a familiar bond" I get nods of understanding.

Army flies out the open window and up above the clouds.


Their mucking in around throwing lollies everywhere til one hit me smack bang between the eyes. I sent a glare towards them and ditched a chocolate frog back at the thrower but miss and it hits Potter instead. The food war has begun.


Sometime later, Army's out flying, a redhead with beautiful emerald green eyes steps into the compartment.

"Evans go out with me?" Potter asked.
"No Potter! I came to tell you guys we're ten minutes from Hogwarts since you are so forgetful," Evans scoffs before looking at me," Hi I'm Lily Evans and you are?" Holding her hand out to shake.

"Arcadia and that's Armageddon," I state shaking her hand and point to Army who flies into the open window.

She nods her head before leaving. The boys come back from changing, and soon the train slows to a stop. Once we're on the platform I say goodbye before walking away with Prof. Sprout with Armageddon on my shoulder.


Hey, what do you think?
I don't know what else to say. Ha.

(A bit edited/rewrite)

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<Hair Trembles With Emotion>
Word count: 431

||The Prince Of Slytherin||Marauder Era||BoyxBoy||Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin