Patched up

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Evie felt something wrong and noticed her stomach starting to slowly bloat a little bit more.
Evie decided to buy what she needed and she sprinted back.
Evie took her test and it said "PREGNANT"
E:no omg no,of all times!
Evie texted Jay to meet her and it was urgent.
Jay arrived and found Evie walking around in a panick.
Evie had tears in her eyes and shoved the test to him.
Jay's eyes widened as Evie continued crying.
E:I-I'm sorry....
J:E, its ok I'm not mad.
Evie looked up.
E:(sniffles)your not...
J:E,I have always wanted to be a dad and you were my first and last crush.
Evie grinned a little.
J:now then we need to make things right
Jay had told Mal,Ben,Carlos,and Jane to meet him at a cafe.
The four arrived and seen Evie crying into Jay's arm.
The four sat down.
J:look I need to get a few things off my chest...
Jay explains what they were doing and left out the pregnant part.
Mal looked at Evie.
M:Evie....I'm sorry....we shouldn't have let you go...
Evie and Mal hugged and soon everyone hugged.
E:there's one more thing....(exhales)
Jay puts his hand on hers
E:we're pregnant.
Mal looked shocked.
M:oh my...congratulations we're all so happy but what about Doug.
E:I know it would be a burden but...Ben I need your help getting a lawyer...
B:of course...

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