It was either that or overhear Theo talking with his group, and there was no way Rose was going to get involve with that. She hated that Tabitha forced her to witness the deaths of some men already. All the ginger girl wanted was some peace and quiet as well as-

"What are you two doing in my room?" Rose questioned seeing Greenwood and Jerome standing by her dresser.

Both inmates were quick to look to Rose, and Greenwood had hid something behind his back while Jerome blocked something. 

The idea of Rose having separation from the inmates was never going to happen now. 

"I didn't do anything," Jerome stated, holding his hands up in surrender before pointing an accusing finger at Greenwood. "He came in here and I just thought I would get him out." 

Rose looked between them both with a mixed look of shock and confusion on her face. "Can you both just please leave?" 

A smile that made Rose uncomfortable appeared on Greenwood's face as he nodded and tossed something towards the girl's dresser. 

Rose had caught glimpse, and felt her face heat up realizing that they had went through her underwear and bra drawer. She was quick to put space between her and the inmate as he left her room 


"Just please leave." Rose quickly interrupted Jerome. She kept her head down already dropping her school bag on the floor and taking her shoes off. When she heard the noise of her door closing, Rose hurried over to her dresser and stuffed the black underwear into the opened drawer before slamming it shut. 


"I didn't think that rules had to be made around here." Tabitha stated as she and Theo stood in front of the male inmates. "Rosie is off limits." She growled. 

Rose watched the two adults from the staircase, her presence unknown to them as she watched and listen to them make some ground rules. 

She was quick to tell Tabitha about Greenwood and Jerome in her room, and Greenwood with her underwear. She may have seemed like some snitch, but Rose would take being a snitch any day if it meant to keep her room, her privacy, closed off from the inmates. 

"If she's alone, you don't go near her. Her room is off limits and that includes her stuff." Tabitha sent Greenwood a hostile glare, most likely planning his death if she was lucky enough to be the one to take his life.

"Now, now Tabitha," Theo calmly told his sister before looking to the inmates. "Rose is technically still a volunteer therapist, so that means any relation with her is crossing the line." 

"In my defense," Jerome raised his hand before pointing over at Greenwood. "I was only in there to get him out and to leave her stuff alone." 

"And also hiding the fact that one of her dresser drawers were opened." Tabitha stated before adjusting her posture. "You sure you weren't doing anything in there as well?" 

Rose watch in amaze as Jerome's face contorted into anger at Tabitha's words, like he couldn't believe that such thoughts were in her head. 

Having enough with the conversation, Rose quietly stood up and headed up the stairs to her bedroom. She turned her radio on, playing her usual calming music before sitting at her desk to finish up that last of her homework.  

She wasn't sure how much time had pass between her leaving the stairs and entering her room, but later that evening the girl had flinched a bit when hearing her door open. 

"You seriously need to work on that." 

"You technically shouldn't be in here." Rose quietly stated seeing Jerome carefully close her door. "I think Tabitha made it clear-"

"I didn't think a sweet girl like you would listen in on conversations." Jerome smiled at the "bad" thing Rose had done. 

Rose placed her pencil down on her desk before closing her textbook up and turning to face Jerome, preparing herself for the conversation coming to her. "The lecture that was given to you, was about me, so I think I had every right to listen in." 

Jerome rolled his eyes before laying down on her bed and staring up at her ceiling. "Your so paranoid, that mommy and daddy need to protect you from the very people living with you."

Rose had opened her mouth to either correct Jerome or make an argument, but she slowly closed her mouth when nothing came to mind.

He was right. She was paranoid that sometime in the middle of the night, Greenwood would enter her room, kill her and feast upon her; or that Dobkins, although she has low expectations that it would happen, would rape her in the middle of the night; or maybe Jerome, at that current moment, would completely change his demeanor and murder her in her own room. 


"Don't touch me." Rose was quick to say that to Jerome when she felt his touch. "Just get away." She spat out. She didn't mean to come off as harsh as she interpret Jerome to assume, but it just happened that way. 

She took a deep breath before rubbing her face and pulling her legs up onto her chair as Jerome slowly backed away from her. 

"So I-" 

"Just get out." 

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