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Idek why but I don't have any ideas on what should be the title so yea u gotta deal with it 😂 I know it's disgusting I am very sorry 😅😅😅

The school bell rang signaling all students to go to their proper seats. Probably a typical weekday for Oikawa,he hates going to school. The teacher have now arrived and greeted the class and the pupils did the same as well. "What a great start,hooray...",the brunet whispered to himself as he sat back on his chair and took out his notebook and pens. A good thirty minutes passed by when Oikawa started to feel his lazy side and it completely devour his senses. Not listening to what the teacher is saying,he looked outside of the classroom window and luckily he's just beside it and the teacher won't notice him spacing out that much.

He started to doze off but soon opened his eyes because something is bothering his napping session. This irritating thing blocking some passageways for air to go in his nose. It's very annoying and it's a very itchy feeling that anyone can probably understand because if you don't then you're not a human. This thing that is bothering the third year is sticked inside his nose and it's a booger. Disgusting,right? 

Oh how did this happened? Why did he deserved this? Did he do something wrong to offend the almighty god? He was innocent. Why now? How in the world that such a thing is in his nose right now? It's fine if that thing is there but why does it need to block the oxygen that the boy needs to support his life? Just why? He just wanted to nap,that's all.

He has no choice. He forgot to bring his handkerchief which is with Iwaizumi and also forgot his box of tissue in the lockers. He must do it. But the thing is,what if someone sees him? He would never want to ruin his reputation as he is popular because of his looks and talent with theatre acting. He still needs to do it because he might die out of suffocation. Thy lord shall guide him to his safety.

He finally decided on a plan on getting the booger out of his well sculpted nostril. First,he will hide his face from his classmates. Second,make sure to know that the "area is cleared" before doing the mission. Third,do the mission quickly and quietly. And last but not the least,clean his hands with a hand sanitizer since he always brings one everywhere for emergency measures.

It was now time for the lad to do his task. He looked around the room and saw some focusing on the professor and some are just sleeping or doing other things. He then looked away from the others and placed his index finger into his nose and started taking out the thing I said needed to take out of his nose. He did it quietly like the plan he made up in his head but the problem is,he forgot to do it quickly which resulted into someone seeing him doing it.

The person who saw him was in another building of the school and the boy,maybe in his first year,stared at him blankly. The brunet didn't knew what to do so he decided to turn away from embarrassment but ofcourse after that he placed sanitizer on his hand,that would be disgusting if he didn't as he has the reputation as the perfect guy alive.

He needs another plan as someone saw him. His image should be squeaky clean. 

The lecture ended and now it's lunch,he decided on a Plan B : find that brat who saw him earlier. He marched out of his room and along the hallways of the building until he reached the other building. He began asking questions to first years if they know a first year with navy ish hair and pretty eyes. Well,he got to admit that the boy has attractive eyes.

After it seemed like a decade,he lost hope on hunting down the boy. He'll probably think of an excuse if a rumor comes out about him but hopefully no rumors will pop up.

Lunch was about to end and students are slowly going back to their rooms,Oikawa decided to go as well but then when he was getting near the exit of the first and second years' building,he saw a familiar blueberry head walking towards his direction with a straight face. He now remembered that it was the boy from earlier,it's now his chance and he will not let go of it.

With all of his strength left,he pushed the boy towards the wall and threatened him,

"Don't tell anyone what you saw earlier,understood?"

The boy under him was shaking because of fear and he was nearly crying. He replied,

"I didn't saw anything...I—"

"You sure? Because I saw you staring at me,don't you dare lie to my face you brat."

"..I'm not lying please—I'm blind."

That made the older get suspicious because from afar,blueberry boy didn't looked like as if he was blind but now that he said it he saw that the younger's pupils where whitish grey. He was surprised by this,he felt so guilty.

"I—I thought...I'm sorry..."

"No it's fine. I'm good with it." The younger smiled softly which made Oikawa feel his pulse going fast.

"I—here,take this. Think of it as a present because of what I did. Sorry,really." The brunet lightly shoved the strawberry flavored yogurt to the blind boy and left,probably because of embarrassment.

The young boy who was left in the scene stood clueless of everything but one things for sure,he knew that was Oikawa Tooru,even earlier in the window where he saw he was picking his nose. In all honesty,he wore contacts that cosplayers use when the bell rang.

He just wanted to escape from his senior but he was glad when he was caught by him. While staring fondly at the yogurt,he thought,

'He's so cute even if he's picking his nose oH GOD THIS IS TOO MUCH WHAT AM I THINKING EW...i still love him though.'

s o r r y   p l s   k I l l   M e

I literally woke up just to write this because fck why not? lol didn't knew that I slept from 1 noon up until 8pm 😂

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