Chuckling along with her “Okay check, whose the next batter?” giving her a quizzical look.

“Well it’s your typical jocks and players. They’re everywhere, I actually thought they were becoming the new plague” she sneered, and I chuckled at her reaction.

“I’ll keep that in mind...I’m getting a robbery alarm” I implied, making her chuckle again.

We made it through the doors and lifting my suitcases up the stairs was a nightmare! She eventually struggled up to the last floor! Damn, who decided to put me on the top floor! I gently put my suitcase down and dug in my bag to find my room card. I slotted it in after catching my breath and opened the door.  Stepping inside was like walking straight into Dracula’s lair.

“Oh” I breathed out, as I took in the side of my roommate stuff. Her walls were painted in black, and her bed and netting was all covered in black to with the same coloured rug perched in the middle of her part of the room. There was a photo frame on her desk, which was of a girl with shiny black hair pulled up into a ponytail and green eyes which were covered in a thick mass of eyeliner with cherry red lipstick.  

I glanced around as Sasha’s expression was flat out shocked. “I’ve never met a Goth” she muttered almost to herself.

“Neither have I” I replied as I sucked in a breath.

She shook her head and chuckled. “Right, I’ve got class so I have to head off, but after maybe we could hang out, show you around the town?”

I shook my head “Sure, sounds great” I replied as she turned on her heel and left, leaving me alone.

I shifted my suitcase over to my drawers and started pulling my underwear out and sorting them into my drawers, I jumped when my phone started blaring out “We Won’t back down” by Escape the Fate, and shifted to get my phone out of my jeans pocket, I stared at it, and huffed.

Taylor, babe I’m sorry it was a mistake I didn’t intend to hurt you. I love you and miss you-Garrett xx

Uh huh? I thought sarcastically because slipping a knife in someone’s back is really pain free, Jerk! I put my phone back down on the floor next to me and stalked over and put my stereo on the drawers, going through my suitcase I grabbed a CD and inserted it into the stereo, and dropped back to the floor, proceeding with putting my clothing in the drawers, two minutes later my phone went off again.

Babe please, just let me explain what happened; it really meant nothing to me, please stop ignoring me : -( -Garrett xxx

Sighing I turned my phone off and placed it back on the floor, and carried on. After I had finished putting my clothes away and sorting the rest of my luggage the song “Zombie Dance” Blared out and I squealed in excitement. I glanced at the hairbrush placed on my dresser. Hell no one’s here I thought, grabbed it and jumped on the bed.

I started singing at the top of my lungs using my hairbrush as a microphone, jumping and fist pumping the air, dancing like I had just taken drugs and carried on until my muscles ached and my heart beat was racing...and the fact that I heard the little beep of a camera. Crap.

I stopped jumping, dropping the hairbrush almost instantly and turned to face my intruder.

“Now I’ve seen everything” a high pitched voice muttered.

“You did not just witness that!” I shrieked, a blush growing on my cheeks and down my neck.

Sasha smirked “You’ll be pleased to find-I did”

I glanced at the camera that was being waved in front of her face “You didn’t-“

Cutting me off she laughed “Videoed and recorded” waving her pink phone again.

HuntsVille: Arms Of The AlphaWhere stories live. Discover now