"Hi," she croaked.

"i can't believe...I've been trying to find you over the media but damn you're like a ghost."

Toni wiped a tear and faintly smiled. "I'm sorry, I've been on lock down." "I don't like that Kyle guy," Luna frowned.

"He can be mean but..." was there anything nice she could actually say about him? "he's trying."

Luna sighed, running a hand through her hair. "I've missed you so much. I never even got to say sorry about what happened when you came. Toni, I never meant to judge you so harshly, I'm sorry."

Toni waved it off, "it's fine, I know you worried."

"I still worry."

"Can we talk about something else? How about the new school year, how's that going?"

"I'm finishing online."

"What? Why? What about cheer?"

"I can't really cheer with a belly," she softly smiled.

"You...wow, really?!" Luna nodded, "Almost four months." "I know Jeremy is excited" Toni grinned. "Beyond excited," Luna agreed, "we're out here in Charlotte."

"How come?'

"Remember...the draft? Well, he got picked and he's part of the team now. Anyway, this one is gonna be his little hornet," she giggled, rubbing over her slightly pudgy tummy. "Speaking of little ones, let me see the baby! I figured you'd already have it by now."

"Oh, no. He's past his due date but doesn't seem to want to come out."

"He? OMG, a boy! What are you going to name him?" 

"You didn't know? I thought Darren would've told you and even shown you the sonogram-"

"Don't even get me started on him," Luna groaned, "I mean, I love the boy but he is so...different."

There was a rustle on Luna's side, she looked to the side and smiled before continuing. "I understand why he didn't want to do much of anything. Because he missed you, but the day he left and gave me and Jeremy barely a goodbye...its just..." she sighed, "so frustrating."

"He left?"

"Yeah, he told us that you weren't coming back so he changed his mind about LA and went."

Toni dropped her eyes and told herself to stop sulking. She tried not to think that Darren was busy forgetting about her but it kept creeping into her mind. She knew he deserved that spot on the team and maybe even a more stable girlfriend.

"As long as he's happy."

"Enough about him, tell me about the pregnancy."

"It's...rough. I mean, my back hurts all the time and my feel are swollen but besides that it's been pretty exciting."

"Let me see the belly!"

Toni moved off of the couch and onto the floor with the laptop in front of her. She lifted her shirt and showed her the huge belly.

"Wow! Do you think I'll get that big?"

"Hey! I'm not that big! The camera just so happens to be really close to my baby boy."

"Whatever," Luna laughed. "Aren't you worried?" she suddenly asked.

"About what?"

"I don't know, the baby? That Kyle or your parents will know that it's Darrens? Unless you already told them."

"No, none of them know. I haven't even thought about it and now that you mention it...I don't know. I just hopes he looks like me," she sorrowfully laughed. "It'll be fine. I'm sorry to bring it up."

On the Court #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now