"what can't you take, chim?"

"e-everything. the bullying, the name calling, myself."

namjoon was beyond confused. was something happening that he and yoongi did not know about? was their little chim getting bullied?

"please elaborate, chim."

"t-the kids at school, they throw me into lockers and leave me there for hours until a teacher finds me, they call me a slut, they call me gay and that i deserve to d-die." he takes a shaky breathe and continues, "my m-mother, she hits me - rarely - and calls me the same as the bullies. i can't take it hy-"

the front door opened, a tired yoongi walking in. his eyes lit up when he saw both his lovers on the couch, but frowned when he saw the tears on the youngest's face and the heavily sad atmosphere.

he immediately ran over to the duo and joined them.

he didn't need to know what was wrong at that moment, only focusing on making jimin feel better.

"hyung" jimin whined, making grabby gestures at the yoongi, who jumped on the couch and cuddled the two. 

and so that's how jimin fell asleep, his legs tangled with his lovers, soft kisses being placed all over his face by the two and his hair being pet.

"what happened to him, love?" yoongi asked namjoon, his voice hushed in an attempt not to wake the sleeping male.

"i'm not too sure, but from what i heard he's being badly bullied at school and his mother occasionally hits him."

yoongi silently curses.

"hey, it's okay. at least we know not to bring him back to that so called 'home' of his. tout est bien, my dear. tout est bien."

yoongi nodded his head lightly, his eyes felt as if they were being forced shut.

"sleep, my love. you must be tired."

and that's exactly what yoongi did. he closed his eyes and welcomed the deep slumber he was being pulled into with open arms.

the next morning he opened his eyes to the blaring sound of a fire alarm. he jumped up and ran to the kitchen as soon as he realised what was happening.

and there the culprit was, waving a dish cloth about in attempt to ease the clouded smoke.

"you had one job, joon." yoongi mutters, taking the cloth from namjoon and pushing him out the kitchen.

namjoon stood shocked for a second before deciding to check on the youngest - which he had moved from the living room to his and yoongi's shared bedroom in the night.

when he went in, he found jimin sitting up and staring at the wall, his hair messy from the sleep.

"how are you feeling, chim?"

he grunted in response, a frown settling on his features. "did you try and cook again, hyung?"

namjoon chucked, his deep voice sending chills down jimin's spine. "was it that obvious?"

"well you are the one who sets the alarm off every time you attempt to cook."

"you got me" the older surrendered, raising his hands to look as it he had been caught by the police.

namjoon stepped inside the room and joined jimin in the bed, pulling the small male closer to him and breathed in his strawberry scent.

for some reason jimin's smell always put namjoon at ease.

the elders eyes slowly shut, suddenly feeling immensely heavy.

the sound of crying once again woke namjoon, as it did before.
"chim? what's wrong?"

the small boy was a wreck. he had tears streaming down his cheeks, eyes red and puffy from crying so long. his cheeks were bright red and looked so squishy in that moment.

jimin was crumbling right in front of namjoon, and he felt useless. the younger was young through so much and all they could do was sit there and watch as he suffered, as he slowly broke.
" 'm sorry."

"why, baby?"

" 'm sorry 'm not good enuff."

the younger was now clinging onto namjoon, his face stuffed in his chest, words coming out slurred.

"i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm not some pretty, female model. i'm sorry i'm not good enough. i'm sorry i'm not pretty enough."

namjoon went silent. had jimin really just said that? did he not understand how much he meant to him and yoongi?


the door opened.
"guys, dinners re- oh. is something wrong?"

yoongi immediately sped-walked over to the bed and jumped in it. he grabbed jimin and pulled the smaller boy to his chest.
"what's wrong?"

"jimin, you are pretty. you are perfect." namjoon continued.

while yoongi didn't understand the situation, he thought he should share his thoughts and the truth.

"jimin, baby, you're perfect the way you are."

"really?" jimin asked, his voice hoarse from crying. he looked up at yoongi and leapt into the eldest's arms, sobbing harder than before.

"of course. jimin, we love you. we don't care if you were the ugliest person on the earth, we'd still love you. because you are park jimin, you are ours."

"and we're yours" namjoon cut in, a massive smile on his face.

yoongi nodded.

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