Amatullah looked at reena, hauwa, farida, fadila ,Zakiyya and a woman probably in her late 50's...a sudden smile appeared on her lips.
So sister, how is marriage life? Sweet huh? Reena asked amatullah wiggling her brows. They both laughed while Amatullah shoot her a deadly glare trying hard not to blush.

Amatullah looked at reena then to the woman then back to reena while squeezing her brows in confusion.
Ohhhhh...ya Ama, this woman, her name is laure, mama sent her here as your nanny, I'll tell deedat about it before we leave..reena stated to Amatullah then She smiled at the woman and the woman smiled back.

They chitchatted for almost 3 hours, they prayed magrib and reena told deedat about laure their new nanny, he thanked them and they bade them goodbye and left.
Deedat told laure her work, her work is just to sweep the house except deedat's room which he'll be doing it himself, then she'll cook incase if he isn't in the mood of cooking,He showed her the room she'll be staying in which is downstairs near the kitchen.

Let's go...deedat said scooping Amatullah up to the toilet and sat her down on the wooden chair of the toilet.she pouted and muttered "what", he smiled at her and told her it's night shower. There goes the butterflies again, dancing inside her stomach.he smiled at her and brushed her teeth first then undressed her,he scrubbed every part of her body gently. He finished bathing her and wrapped the towel around her body. He also brushed his teeth and took his bath. They got out of the toilet and he dressed into a short knicker and a vest. He dressed her into his black shirt that only covered her up to her buttocks,from her thigh up to her feet were opened, she wasn't wearing bra,she was only wearing the shirt and pant. He prefers seeing her without bra. She smiled shyly bending her head down. He chuckled and laid her on his bed and laid beside her facing her.

Are you hungry? He asked
No...she answered curtly.
Sure? He asked again
Yes...she answered
No..he said
Yes...she said glaring at him
No...he repeated smirkingly
She used her fingers that was on his chest and pinched his hard chest.
Ohchh...that's hurt...he said and pouted which made her laugh. She was still laughing shaking her head that was so close to his face while he just stared at her grinning from ear to ear. He suddenly felt the urge to kiss her lips because he had never done it before, he looked at her perfect cute pink lips while she was laughing and he quickly smashed his lips on hers.

He was kissing her gently and stroking her soft hair gently with his hands, her lips was so sweet and soft, it tasted like strawberry,she started kissing him back gently pulling him closer to her with her fingers, he moved closer still kissing her and rubbing her soft thigh,he slide his hand into her shirt gently rubbing her stomach then her navel, a moan escaped from her mouth which made deedat smile into her lips and kissed her more harder.they kissed like they was no tomorrow, their eyes were both closed enjoying the kiss, they didn't want anything to ruin that moment, amatullah felt the urge to stroke his soft shiny hair with her hands but she couldn't, he bit her lower lip making her to moan, he smiled again kissing her while using his hands to clear away the hair that fell on her forehead,they finally broke the kiss gasping for air, his forehead and nose was still on hers, he smiled at her and she smiled back.

I love you Amatullah...he whispered stroking her hair gently. stammered and he hugged her tight..

I want to ask you something amma...deedat said braking the hug and looked straight into her eyes.
Uhmmm...she said gesturing him to go Ahead.

We love kids right?he asked her and she nodded with a smile indicating yes.
Do you want us to have one? He asked again and she lowered her head down.
Eh amma? He asked again
Yes but...she started but she couldn't finish.
But what? He asked using her hand to raise her head up so she could be looking at him.
I th..thought..we stammered and tears made it's way down to her cheeks.
He shoot his eyes close and opened it with a heavy breath...
Amatullah...he whispered
Uhmm...she answered
We trust Allah and our parents right? He questioned looking straight into her eyes. She nodded indicating yes and he used his thumb to wipe her tears.

Allah will guide our parents in looking after our children, it must not be many children, even one child amma, I just want to see little deedat or little Amatullah before I die,at least we will have some one that will always pray for us if we are no more, apart from our parents, but I won't force you amma, your choice is my command...he smiled at her and sighed.

Tears rolled down on her cheeks...
Hy! I'm sorry if what I said has hurt you, wallahi I didn't mean to hurt you, please I'm sorry amma..deedat said panicking.
Deedat,you didn't...she said shaking her head.
What happened? He asked her wiping her tears. stammered and smiled.
Really? He asked with a wide grin on his face. She nodded indicating yes.
Amma you know I don't want to force you, please tell me the truth, you want it to happen? He asked quietly observing her face.:.
Yes...she said and smiled shyly at him.he smiled back and hugged her.
We will have to confirm everything from the doctor first, if he says we can do it then we'll do it right...he whispered to her and she blushed.

He laid his back on the bed and opened his legs, he put amatullah between his legs and her head on his chest, he wrapped his arms around her back tight and whispered dua to her before saying goodnight....

I just can't wait to see little deedat or amatullah💃💃💃💃but he or she will not be able to live with his/her parent for long 😩😩😩poor baby😭😭😭

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