Forgotten souls

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I was that type of person,

That held on,

Unable to let loose,

When it was no longer needed,

And although it left cuts,

That left my fingers aching,

I always seem to hold on,

Was worth the pain it takes,

I always think in losing things,

I'd lose pieces of myself,

That I would become someone,

My heart no longer knew,

That one day everything  will change,

I'd drop what I had once held dear,

But my spirit became much brighter,

Instead filled with fear,

And taught my heart that certain things,

Wouldn't last for long ,

They came to teach you lessons,

And then travel forward,

You don't have to cling to people,

Who no longer bring joy,

Or do something that you come to hate,

If it isn't worth your stay,

That sometimes the thing your battling for,

Isn't worth the time,

Not everything you ever lose,

Is bounded to be at lost.

silent wordsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora