Chapter Sixteen

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    Blinding lights filled my vision as I looked around the white room. The room was eerily quiet, to the point my ears felt like bleeding from the silence. Groggily, I sat up rubbing my tired eyes. I clenched them shut trying to drown out the chill in the room. Slowly I opened my eyes. My figure jumped to the other side of the tiny room. My body trembled profoundly as my heartbeat filled my ears.
    "Nice to see you too (Y/N)." The redhead smirked at me.
    "Jason! What-how are you here?" I screamed clutching onto my chest. I felt something wet, and warm touch my fingertips. I looked down swiftly, seeing blood seeping through my shirt. I pulled it up to reveal a bullet wound that penetrated my side.
"What happened to me?" Jason chuckled, but he seemed at ease with everything. He sat on the floor with his arms wrapped around his knees.
"Listen I don't have much time to talk to you since it's not your time, but listen very carefully I can't tell you much because if I do, we can both be in danger." I looked wide eyed at him. I'm seeing dead people, wow I'm really considering being institutionalized.
"Okay..." I took my hand off my bleeding side and sat back.
"Ain't right, Cheryl how is earth" I looked at him puzzled, completely baffled at what he just said.
"Um what?" He rolled his eyes sighing, sitting back.
"Look between the lines (Y/N)." That was the last thing I heard, before the room darkened and I was put into another deep sleep.

It's not long but better than nothing!! I'm working on the next chapter right now!!

Grace Lynn

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