Chapter Six

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"Ummm what?" Archie looked at Jug like he was crazy.

"Archie, we've been friends since forever, and I really hope that this isn't true, but did you kill Jason Blossom?" Jug inquired painfully.

"No! Umm, well." Archie looked around frantically.

"Both of you come over to my house at six today. I'll tell you then. I can't say it at school. But, no I did not kill him I swear." Jug looked at him still suspicious of Arch, but through all my episodes of Sherlock, I believe he is telling the truth.

When he said that, he didn't fidget or look down. We will just have to see tonight.

The school day finally came to a halt, and
everything seemed actually calm for once. I must admit the constant bickering in my mind about what Archie was going to say was pretty annoying, but besides that I was pleased how the day went.
       "(Y/n)!" I turned to see a running Jug swiftly coming towards me.

       "Hey Juggy, what's up?" 

       "Where are you going right now?" I look down in sadness and sigh.

       "Probably go to the diner, I'm trying to avoid my family like the plauge." I express with a short laugh. I was never close to my family, but knowing that apart of my blood not only kept a secret from me but also ruined  peoples lives hurts.

        Jug gave me a sad smile, I never liked pity. But his, I could handle. Just seeing him smile made me just a bit happier. 

         "Can I join too? I've also been avoiding my Dad since he did that to you. You didn't deserve that." I looked up to him with the most genuine smile I'd ever done,  and nodded.

          "Of course you can join me Juggy!" He chuckled at the use of the nickname as I nudged his arm. 

          On the way there, me and Jug walked in a comfortable silence, eventually talking about this and that. How his mom and sister were away, and how my old school and life was. We finally got to the diner after what only felt like minutes.

         We both slid into a booth, ordering our regulars. We laughed, and talked for hours. 

         "He did what?!" I exclaimed, wiping the happy tears from my eyes.

         "Yeah! Archie used to love old Miley Cyrus and that dress he wore, any guy or girl would fall for six year old Archie!" Fanning his face, he exclaimed. I giggled and laughed more in those two hours than my whole entire life. I looked down to my phone groaning. 

          "Speaking of Arch, we should probably get going to his house. It's 5:45." His face fell, and I don't know why but it broke my heart. Gosh (Y/n) stop having these feelings. He's your first friend, you can't ruin this.

          "Yeah, okay." 

           Walking, we now walked in nervous silence. We were afraid of what Archie was going to say, especially Jug. He was his best friend and he could be in some big trouble for all we know. 

           "Archie!" Jug yelled from down the stairs, I hadn't met Archies' Dad yet, and I hope I don't. At least I hope he doesn't know what Jugs' Dad does.  

          "Come up!" We ran up the stairs excitedly, and nervously. Archie sat on his bed, picking the strings on his beautiful guitar. He looked to us and I gave him a smile.

          "So what happened Archie?" Jug curiously asked pulling a chair over, turning it backwards, sitting so he looked relaxed but a concerned friend. I sat on bed trying to not look awkward. 

          "So when I tell you this you can't tell anyone." He sat his guitar down looking at both of us frantically. We nodded in union as a go on.

          "Okay, so I was with a girl." We both raised our eyebrows looking at each other.

          "And that girl was Ms. Grundy..." Jugheads' eyes widened as he stood up in surprise.

          "Dude! You did what? I mean she is hot but still?" For some reason his words stung a little but I quickly shook it off.

           "The music teacher?" I questioned confused, I was still getting used to everyones names.


            "Arch...." I looked at him disappointed, but still a little relieved.

            "Okay so I don't want you to go into detail about what happened with you two, I think I can come to a conclusion. But, did you hear or see anything?"

           "Okay, so I heard two gunshots and shouting. That's all I know." 

           "Archie the police could use this!" I whisper yelled.

           "I know, but she could go to jail!" he sounded exasperated, so I just sighed.

           "Okay, you don't have to tell the police-" Jug looked at me about to interrupt, and Arch looked relived but I quickly shushed both their thoughts. 

           "But, we can use this Jug. This doesn't mean you might have to testify one day Arch but we will try our hardest to not bring you into this." Archie nodded smiling.

           "Thank you." He quietly whispered. 

           "Well I probably need to go home before my parents call the police. I'm sorry Arch, I hope we can work this out. Talk to you tomorrow." 

            "Thank you (Y/n)." He whispered again smiling.

             "No problem Arch." I walked outside breathing in the fresh air. I hate confrontation, especially in small rooms. 

             "(Y/n)?" I turned to smile back at Jug.

             "Ye-" I was cut off by the warm lips of Jughead. His hands went to the side of my face, I stayed shocked for a moment wondering what the hell was going on. But our lips soon were moving in sync, this might sound weird, but he tasted delicious. We were breathing hard and slowly enjoying this fleeting moment. The kiss ended all too soon and he was holding my face in his hands as we caught our breath looking into each others eyes.

             "That was-" 

            "Amazing." He breathed out cutting me off. He put our heads together, kissing my forehead going back inside

              That was breath taking. 

     Yes I added the thing about two gunshots and shouting, this story isn't going to go exactly where the real story went ;) stay tuned <3 Also this took me a long time to type so I didn't read it again oops. I will tomorrow.


                      Grace  Lynn

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