Chapter Five

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       The rest of the night me and Archie for hours on end, I told him what had happened. I didn't exactly mention any names though. This is a small town you have to be careful who and what you talk about. He completely understood how this was none of my fault, as it was my family's.

      I walked back home after that, completely ignoring my family's antagonizing questioning of where I was. I couldn't even look at them right now. I walked upstairs agonizingly slow, so they could know I was hearing them. 

      I flopped down on my bed sighing. How has so much happened in two days? Well, tomorrow couldn't be bad could it?

      I woke up, doing my usual morning routine. I ran outside to my beetle, I did not want to be in that house longer than I had to. I drove to school praying that today would be normal.

     Okay, so far good. Nothing has happened and I had to explain to all my teachers that I was really stressed yesterday so I had to leave early. I felt bad lying but it was my only choice. Lunch finally came, and I was starving.

    I looked around the courtyard to see Archie, I waved and went over.

    "Hey Arch! May I sit here?"

    "Of course! Sit!" He motioned his hand across from him.

    "So how's your second day at school?" 

     "It's been pretty great! Less drama today so I'm grateful." I smiled over to him, when I felt someone sit beside me. I looked over to see the guy I wasn't looking forward to seeing. Jug. Well, it was fun while it lasted.

    "I should probably sit somewhere else-"

    "No! Don't go!" Archie exclaimed, I sighed in return.

    "I don't think everyone wants me here unfortunately." Jughead looked away, I took that as my time to go. I rushed over to the trashcan where I dumped my untouched food. I felt a hand grab my arm, I looked around to see the culprit, that was once again Jug. 

    "What do you want Jughead?" I questioned pretty annoyed. He cringed at the usage of his real name.

     "(Y/n) I'm sorry, I thought you knew and-" 

      "So was all this just to get back at me because of who my family is? Because from what I hear of you, that is pretty low." I growled, I was quite furious. I had not only found out that my family were frauds, but now it seems Jughead is too.

     "No! I swear (Y/n) you seemed like a great girl unlike your family. I just wanted to get to know the real you, not for it to turn into this. I'm so sorry!" His words seemed genuine, but I didn't know if it was just wanted to hear. Either way, my eyes softened and my body relaxed.

    "Okay I'll forgive you, on one condition." He shook his head in understanding.

     "Fire away."

     "I want to help you find the murderer of Jason Blossom."

      "Okay. But, we have to be careful because after what happened last time it looks like the murderer is really trying their hardest to cover up their tracks. They probably will do what ever it takes." I smiled up at him.

      "I'm always up for a challenge." We walked back over to the table where a confused Archie sat. When we went over, I couldn't help but notice weird glances were being sent from Jug to Archie. I looked down on Archie lettermen jacket to see a little piece was torn out, wait. 

      "So Archie, why don't you explain why you were near the exact spot where Jason was murdered?"  

Sorry this one is not very good either but I'm going to try to update either everyday or every other day. 


           Grace Lynn

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