"El?" Louis asked and furrowed his eyebrows. "Are you hungry or something?"

"I.." I stuttered and almost began crying then and there. "Yeah.. I'm... hungry."


Perrie and I walked down the streets of London. We each had a few shopping bags. Perrie's eyes darted around the shops as she joked around with me.

"I heard that he was all, 'Calm down, beb'" I told her, mocking what Zayn had said. This only made her laugh loudly.

"Oh, no. Definitely not. He was pleading and following me around. The next day he sent me this huge bouquet of flowers. He just likes other people to think he's all tough." She mumbled between her laughs.

Her laughs only caused me to laugh.

"How far along are you?" She asked, completely changing the subject.

"Like.. Five months.. ish. I was four months when I found out. Which was last month." I replied with a shrug.

"Do you have any idea when the baby was.. You know, conceived?" She asked and bit down on her lip.

I pursed my lips and started counting on my fingers. "Five months ago, we went skiing up in France. We also- nope. I think it was in the cabins."

"What makes you so sure?" She asked with a soft laugh.

"Because Louis does this thing in which, right before we... frickle frackle, he holds the condom up and waves it for me to see." I told her, imitating Louis' actions.

"Why?" She asked, holding in a laugh of her own.

I shrugged. "He's always done that. And that time, he didn't have a condom. And the morning after, I started getting these cramps."

"Isn't that a bit too early to tell, though?" She furrowed her eyebrows.

I shook my head. "I looked into it and it's perfectly normal. Some even start feeling it the second they conceive."

Her lips formed an 'o' shape and she nodded.

"Why did you wanna know?" I asked and tilted my head to the side.

"I dunno. I was just wondering if you knew, you gotta be-" she stopped suddenly before grabbing my hand and dragging me towards what appeared to be a baby store, "Look! Look! This onesie is so precious." She shrieked and tugged me into the shop.

My eyes widened at her sudden actions before laughing softly. "Perrie, I don't know the gender yet."

She shrugged and led me towards the onesie her eyes had fallen on. "Don't matter! This could fit any gender. Look! It's like a little monkey with its little hoodie." She gushed and looked at the price. "I'm buying it for ya!"

I raised an eyebrow and laughed. "Perrie-"

"Nope! I'm buying it!" She exclaimed and led me towards the cashier, pulling out her wallet. "So what did Louis say?" She asked and set the onesie on the counter.

"Nothing.." I mumbled quietly.

"Nothing? Oi, he had to say something." She laughed and shook her head as she began digging through her purse.

"Well.. I haven't actually told him." I admitted.

Her eyes widened and she froze. "What?" She asked quietly, "Can you please tell me I heard wrong?"

"No.." I replied slowly, confused at her actions. "I haven't told him.. I just didn't want to-"

"Eleanor!" She shrieked and dropped her stuff, causing my eyes to widen. She shook her head quickly and dug through her purse frantically.

"Perrie what's going on?" I asked and looked up apologetically at the cashier.

"I didn't know you didn't tell Louis!" She exclaimed and groaned loudly when she couldn't find her phone. She grabbed the purse and turned it upside down on the counter.

"Well, Perrie, calm down." I mumbled and rubbed my temples. I didn't know why me not telling Louis was such a big deal.

"No! You don't understand!" She cried out and grabbed her phone, scrolling through it quickly. "Zayn knows!"

My breath hitched and I stared at her. "What?"

"He knows. I told him last night because I figured today we'd shop for baby clothes."

"He wouldn't tell Louis, would he?" I asked, my voice weak.

"I dunno, I hope not." She mumbled and finally pressed the phone to her ear. "C'mon, Zayn." She mumbled to herself.

"Perrie-" I was cut off by my phone's ringtone.

I slowly pulled it out of my purse and the name flashed across the screen. The name that made me want to throw up then and there.

'Loueeey Pooey.'

I whimpered and showed Perrie. She put her phone down, her eyes wide. "Answer it. He probably doesn't even know. Why would they even talk about babies? Answer it." She urged me and put her phone down.

I nodded and slid my finger across the screen, pressing it to my ear. I didn't even get a chance to speak before Louis' voice was heard.

"You're pregnant?!"

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