Two - I'm The One That You Loathe

Start from the beginning

"What's your first name?" I asked him, and he frowned.

"Gerard." He reluctantly admitted, and I grinned.

"I think I prefer Mr Way, it has a ring to it."

Just then, the classroom door opened, and Mikey walked in. His eyes moved over Gerard and I, and he smirked. "Sorry, am I...interrupting?"

In my head I was chanting 'threesome, threesome, threesome', because I'm a pain in the ass and I'm an insolent prick that likes to piss everyone off. Not that I wanted one, but if one was proposed to me, then maybe. And then, without thinking at all, I was speaking.

"Kinda, I was just about to go down on Gerard, but you can join us if you want." I said, and Gerard choked and spluttered on air.

Mikey looked startled for a moment, before chuckling. "I'll pass, thanks. Incest isn't really my style." He looked at Gerard. "I'll wait outside."

"It's okay, I'm leaving anyway." I said, hopping off of the desk and picking up my bag. "Have fun with your teaching shit." I shot Gerard a wink before heading towards the door. "Sir." I saluted Mikey, who laughed, letting me past him and into the corridor.

Of course, I didn't have any intentions of going home. I was more content with going to the cemetery and increasing the risk if getting lung cancer for hours on end. It's what I did every day, after school, and it's what I'd been doing since I was fifteen and had started smoking. It was a disgusting habit to have, but it wasn't the worst habit I had.

I was the only person to walk through the corridors, and I took a deep breath as I left the school. I should've known how to get to Belleville cemetery from Belleville High, but I didn't. Instead, I went home, and then walked the route I knew from there. It was a short route, leading down a small hill to the cemetery, taking about ten minutes to walk. I knew it better than I knew anything, and there was nothing that I'd rather know better. Except maybe Gerard.

I found myself smirking as I thought of him, and the confidence with which I'd spoken to him. It was bad, it was really bad, but I wasn't a stranger to rule-breaking - more of a Harry Potter than a Hermione Granger. But hey, I'm not complaining about the art teacher the school gave me. Best decision that school will ever make, probably.

The cemetery was small, with less than a hundred graves in it, with a larger one behind the church across town. I made my way through the graves, the cool, September air of New Jersey hitting me in the face. I found the one I wanted, and then I sat down, my back against the stone, with my bag beside me and my legs out straight. I pulled my cigarettes from the front pocket, and took one out, putting it to my lips. I lit it, shielding the flame from the wind, and I took a deep drag, leaning my head back.

"Hey, Dad." I said, running my fingers through the grass. It was cool and thin and artificial on my skin, but I didn't care. I sighed, puffing on the cigarette. "I started my new school today." I chuckled darkly. "I feel about five, now I've said that. But yeah. It's a shithole. There are some cool people, but the Deputy Principal is a dickhead and the jocks can go to hell." The smoke from my cigarette spiralled towards the sky, and I watched it, wondering if my father was up there. "I still fucking hate you. I say this every day, but it's true. Mom tells me to never speak ill of the dead, but she tells me not to lie, either, so..." I took a drag of my cigarette, my eyes closing. I said nothing after that, only smoked my life away.

It seemed pathetic, when I thought about it. That's why I didn't think about it. But my dad was an asshole, and he still is an asshole, and I hate going home so much I would prefer to sit by his grave and tell him that he's an asshole and smoke, than go home and be around my mother and my fucking stepfather, and even my stepsister.

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