Chapter 2 - News

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Chapter 2 - News

Beau POV

The next morning I wake up from the sunlight coming through my window. I yawn and stretch my muscles to wake up my body.


I'm just laying in bed, slowly waking up when I hear someone knocking on my door. I turn around and see Luke walking in. "Hey Beau, wak- huh?" Luke looks around the room with a confused expression on his face. "What's wrong?" I ask also confused at this moment.


"Beau? Are you in here?" Luke says knocking on my bathroom door. Yes, I have my own bathroom in my room. If you get what I mean. I furrow my eyebrows and stand up. "I'm right here." I say standing besides Luke. "Beau? Answer me you idiot. Breakfast is ready." He knocks on the door again.


"I'M RIGHT HERE." I say loud and clear in Luke's ear. I see Luke rolling his eyes before walking away. I follow him. "Is this some kind of sick joke? Because if it is, it's not funny anymore." I say when we walk down.


"Mom, I can't find Beau." Luke says to my mom, Gina, when we arrive in the kitchen. "What do you mean, you can't find him?" "Just like I'm saying. He isn't in his room, I can't find him." My mom furrows her eyebrows. "Weird. Try to call him." She says while getting the food onto plates. "Okay." Luke says sighing while taking his phone out of his pocket.


When Luke calls, my phone immediately rings and I gain hope. "Hey." I say into the speaker of my phone. "Beau? Do you hear me?" Luke says. "Yes, I'm right next to you." I say chuckling and walking towards Luke, knowing he'll see me.


"Hello?" Luke says again. He also doesn't see me while I'm standing in front of him. Huh? Luke hangs up his phone while shaking his head. "He picked up but he didn't say a word. I hope he's okay." Luke says a bit worried. "Nah, don't worry. He's probably messing with us like usual." Jai says while grabbing one of the plates and putting it on the table.


"Yeah, I hope you're right." Luke says sighing as he also grabs a plate. I look at them with my eyes wide open in shock. "I'M RIGHT HERE! CAN YOU SEE ME?" I scream and do a little dance around the table. They don't move and now I know that this isn't some kind of sick joke. No, it's real. I'm invisible.



It has been 2 days since I found out that I'm invisible and nothing has changed. I followed Jai and Luke everywhere they went but they never saw me. I feel miserable and lonely. Really lonely. I'm currently with the guys in the studio, well, they don't know I'm here but yeah, you get me.


Our single got released yesterday and the fans love it. I'm also really excited to go on tour but I hope I'll be visible by then.


"Should we tell the media about Beau?" James asks the guys and our managers. "I don't know..." Daniel says thinking about it. "They have to know eventually and maybe someone has seen him." Jai says with a sprinkle of hope in his eyes.


"We should tell it. Our fans deserve to know what's going on. They haven't seen or heard anything about Beau in 2 days, they're worried sick." Luke says looking at our manager. "You guys should make his missing public." He responds nodding. The guys look at each other as to decide how to tell everyone.


"Twitcam?" Jai insist with raised eyebrows. The guys just nod and James grabs his laptop. I have never seen the guys so serious before. I feel bad that they worry so much about me because I'm okay and just with them.


"I tweeted on our account that we will be doing a twitcam now." Luke says and the guys check their phones and retweet it. "Okay, ready?" James asks while putting the laptop on the table. "Yep." They all say.


"Hi guys." Luke says into the camera with a sad smile on his face. "We need to tell you something really important." Jai says looking at Luke as to give him a sign to go on. "You probably noticed that Beau didn't update his twitter, Instagram and other stuff like that. He ehm.. Is kinda.. missing."


"We haven't seen him in 2 days and he just... disappeared. We thought you guys needed to know this, so ehm, if you see anything that can lead to him, please let us know." "Yeah, you can mail our management, we'll tweet the e-mail address later." "This is a hard time for all of us, including you all. We hope you'll keep supporting us and help us to find Beau back." "I guess that's it. So ehh.. Thank you for everything and together we can find him back." Jai and Luke say taking turns while Daniel and James keep their mouth shut and just look at the camera. "Bye." And they all wave to the camera.


"Well. That was that.. What's next?" James says quietly while shutting his laptop. "I don't know. We can't do anything know. We better all go home and make the best of our night." Ronnie, our manager says.


I have tears in my eyes. Now, the whole world knows that I'm 'missing'. All the fans... They'll be so sad... Even thinking about them makes me cry more. I don't know what to do, I don't want to follow any of the guys, that makes everything feel worse. I sigh and decide to just take a walk in the park.


I walk out the door together with the boys and then everyone takes their own routes to wherever they go. There are a few paparazzo outside but, of course, they don't see me. I put my hands in my pockets and bow my head down while slowly walking to the park.

 When I arrived in the park after 5 minutes, I see a tree and sit underneath it. I lean my head against the thick tree trunk and pull my legs up. I sit there for a few minutes when I suddenly hear some noise from the other side of the tree trunk.

 "Beau Brooks from the Janoskians is missing. The rest of the boys from the Janoskians just revealed the news via a twitcam. Nobody knows where he is and many fans went looking for him on the streets, no matter where they live…" I hear and then I hear someone shut a laptop followed by silent sobs. I furrow my eyebrows and stand up. I look at the other side of the tree and I see a girl sitting there with her head in her hands.

 I can hear my heart breaking at the sight of the fragile girl in front of me. I kneel next to her and put my arm around her back, but she doesn’t feel it. I sit next to her, still with my arm around her as she opens her laptop again.

 I see a news site in front of her with a video standing on pause. She clicks it away and opens Twitter. "@BrooksBeau I love you, please come back :'(" She tweets and while she's tweeting several things I read through her timeline, seeing that every tweet is about me.

 All I see are sad tweets, and fans supporting eachother. Why did I have to make that stupid wish?

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