Ease The Guilt [JongKey]

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They say that twins share a special bond. Kibum is on good terms with his twin brother, Jinki, but they have never been close and never felt that special bond. Their interests, hobbies and personalities had always been different.

When Taemin was born, Kibum and Jinki finally had something in common. They both liked having a baby brother.  As a result, the three of them spent a lot of time together and Kibum started to think that his special bond with Jinki was starting to form.

Well, Kibum thought wrong. When Taemin wasn't around, Kibum could feel the distance between Jinki and himself even if they were on good terms, being friendly, speaking to each other and having their rooms right next to each other.

Kibum tried not to think too much about it.  Not all twins in the world could actually be close and share a special bond.  Come high school, he found someone else special anyway.  Someone named Chansung.

When Kibum finally knew what it felt like to be in love, he started to notice how Jinki treats their younger brother.  He knew for a fact that Jinki loved Taemin more than his own twin but the love that Jinki had for Taemin... was it really just brotherly love?

Days turned into months until Kibum was finally sure of Jinki's feelings for Taemin.  He didn't talk to Jinki about it because he was afraid that things between them would get pretty messed up, so what Kibum did instead was to encourage both Taemin and Jinki to get themselves a boyfriend.

"Isn't Taemin too young?"  Jinki protested.

But Kibum knew that Jinki's real protest was not because of Taemin's age.  It was because Jinki was in love with Taemin.  "Taemin isn't a kid anymore, Jinki.  You know that."

It didn't take Taemin too long to find himself a boyfriend in a form of Minho.  Kibum could see that Jinki wasn't happy about this and how Jinki tried to hide his own unhappiness from Taemin, because it's Taemin's happiness that mattered to Jinki.


The death of Taemin and Jinki was the turning point of Kibum's life.  After a month of grieving, he packed up and left everything behind.  He moved to another part in Korea; somewhere far away from his original home.  He never told anyone where he would be.

But he did leave a letter for Chansung.  It was the least he could do.

I think the only way I can move on is to leave everything behind.  I know I will come back.  I just don't know when.  But when I do come back, I hope we can at least go back to being friends.  I love you.  Goodbye.


Kibum took psychology.  He may not have an answer to people's problems but at least, he will be there to listen.  Sometimes all a person would need is a listener.  Just someone who they could talk to their problems to lessen the burden.  He should have been that person for Jinki.

It's too late for regrets.  It won't bring either Jinki or Taemin back to life so the least Kibum could do is help other people.  Then comes a person who has a similar situation to Jinki.


"I'm in love with my brother,"  Jonghyun waited for the doctor to laugh at him.  Okay, so maybe the doctor won't laugh since it's part of their job but still, he waited for any kind of reaction from the doctor.  "Aren't you going to ask why?"  Jonghyun asked when he didn't get any reaction or any question from the doctor.

"I figured you were going to tell me even if i didn't ask.  After all, that's the reason why you're here, right?"  The doctor has a teasing smile on his lips.

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