I did but your moron of mate knocked me the fuck out. It Said

I chuckled.

Good job Z. I thought to myseif

Glared at me.

Don't fucking mock me I'm a god. It Said

Well If your a god your one pathetic god. I Said

I'll show you pathetic you bitch. It Said

It ran at me and I ran at her and we grabbed each others hands and started a fighting for dominants.

I'm stronger then you. It Said

You wish you cunt. I Said

I threw It Into the air and jumped at It and tried to kick it but It grabbed my foot and smiled.

I'm better the you In every way. It Said

It thew me onto the ground and landed feet first on top of me and I screamed It pain.

I love the sound of pain. It Said

It picked me up by my shirt collar and looked me In the eyes.

What are you gonna kiss me or something. I Said

It chuckled.

You wish. It Said

It stabbed It's claws Into my chest and I screamed In pain.

You know what fuck this I'm leaving your body. It Said

How the hell are you gonna do that. I Said

It's very simple now that I'm powerful enough to do It. It Said

Good I'm sick of having you In me. I Said

It smirked at me.

I almost forgot your probably gonna die when I do It. It Said

My eyes went wide. 

Like hell your gonna kill me. It Said

It raised It's hand and opened a portal.

Ha you can barley move how can you stop me. It Said

It dropped me and started walking to the portal I started crawling after It.

I...will...s...stop...you. I Weakly Said

It just ignored me and walked thew the portal.

N...No. I Said

I started to pass out.

I'm...sorry...Z...and...N...Noah. I Said

I closed my eyes.

                                                                Z's Pov

I was sitting In front of the door when I heard something Inside the room.

What the hell Is going on now. I thought to myself

I opened the door to see Rose was glowing and screaming.

What the hell no. I Said

I ran over and started shaking Rose.

Wake up Rose. I Said

Suddenly I was pushed back Into the wall as Rose was In golfed In light.

What the hell Is going on. I Said

What's going on Is your doom. Someone Said

I opened my eyes to see Rose was still on the bed and there was a black hared girl who had red eyes and claws and fangs but still looked like Rose besides that. 

Who the hell are you ? I Asked Her

My name Is Asmara your goddess now bow before me. Asmara Said

Like hell I'll bow to you now tell me what the hell did you do to Rose. I Said

Asmara chuckled.

She's probably dead or dyeing. Asmara Said

I glared at Asmara and started to cry.

If she dead then I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU!!!!!!!!!!!! I Yelled

I ran at Asmara but she pushed me back with a force filed.

Wanna try that again morn. Asmara Said

I got up and got ready to attack her again but she lifted me up with some kind of magic and threw me at the wall again.

I'd like to stay here but I've go business to attend too elsewhere. Asmara Said

Asmara snapped her fingers and teleport away then I looked over at Rose's body.

She's got to be alive. I Thought to myself

I ran over to Rose and checked for a vital sign and found one and sighed and picked her up bridal style and carried her to the Medic room and Noah looked at me shocked.

What happened ? Noah Asked Me

Trust me you wouldn't believe me If I told you. I Said

Try me. Noah Said

Well I think whatever thing was In Rose left her body and I tried to attack whatever It was It called It's self Asmara but she over powered me and then teleport away. I Said

Is she alive ? Noah Asked Me

Yeah but she needs a doctor. I Said

Well lucky for you where about to land at the BHG. Noah Said

Good I'm not letting her die. I Said

Noah looked at me shocked.

You actual do love her don't you. Noah Said

What you didn't think so before. I Said

Noah opened his mouth to say something

Then Eric shoot up and looked at us.

I remember now. Eric Said

We looked shocked.

                                                             End of chapter              

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