Chapter 17: DADDY?

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The team had to wait until they were at the mountain to give them their's. Keeping their cover and all that. Clockwork floated over to them. He gave them a framed picture. They both got tears in their eyes.

"Nightwing," Danny called over.

The oldest Grayson went over to them. Seeing the picture, he struggled to keep it together. It was a painted picture of the three that, it seemed, Clockwork painted himself. Nightwing on the ground, throwing his bird-a-rangs. Gold Siren in the middle, firing a sonic scream. And Phantom on top, shooting an ecto-blast. Three brothers, fighting in harmony.

"Pateras, this is beautiful," White says. "We've never gotten a gift like this in our lives."

"When you've seen multiple timeline versions of every artists in history, you pick a few things," Clockwork says. "You two gave me happiness where my job as father time could not. Your kindness, your purity, your good hearts. I could never be more proud to call you two my sons."

Danny and White hugged their father. They then went over to their other brother. A spotlight then shined down on on side of the room. Ember and her band were there.

"Let's get this party started," she yelled, her band starting to play.

"Let's dance," Jaime cried.

"Finally," Gar cries.

They all hit the dance floor. Some of the class even joined in. The Fentons and A-listers just stood off to the side. Danny had actually been dragged into a daddy-daughter dance. While Dani was trying her best to try a form of dance, Danny was pretty good. Neither twin did know why Dora and Pandora had to teach them to dance when they got into Pandora's army.

After a few times of having the ghost girl stepping on her father's feet, Ember decided to change up the music. It became a slow song.

"Care to dance," White heard next to him.

He turned to see Aqualad with his hand out. He happily took it.

"Let's," he accepted.

The two went back to the dance floor, with the other couples. The other recognizable couples were Sam and Tucker, Johnny and Kitty, Valerie and Krinos (as friends), and Lena and Beetle (again, friends). White saw his twin timidly looking at Superboy.

"Give me a second, need to play matchmaker," White says.

Aqualad snickered as White made his way behind his brother.

"Oops," White says, 'accidentally' bumping into Danny.

Danny stumbled forward. He crashed into Superboy, and he started to meagerly blush. He sent a glare his brother's way, who just smirked as he made his way back to Aqualad. He did mouth the words 'you'll thank me later,' though.

"You're a little evil, you know," Kaldur told him.

"Who? Me?" White sarcastically gasped.

"Sorry, Conner," Danny apologized. "There was a bump, then a stumble, then a crash, and then... uh..."

Superboy cut him off by taking his hand and walking him to the dance floor.

"Sometimes, you don't need to talk," Conner told him.

But that's when things started to go wrong. The Fentons had finally had enough with everything going on. They were angry over so many things at this point. First was that Danny had a daughter, a daughter that looked like Phantom no less. Then they accepted gifts from the ghosts and mystics when they believed they would be traps. Now, they were dancing with those they didn't approve of, AKA- guys. They stormed over and ripped Danny away from Superboy.

"Hey," Danny protested, the heroes all covering their ears because they knew what she was about to yell.


                     "Excuse me," White glared, the team taking their hands off their ears. "Nonsense! That is seriously what you're calling our birthday."

                     "I don't know what song that siren has you under, but you should know that these creatures are evil and are just trying to trick you," Jack yelled.

                      "I would never do that," Lena shouted. "My song can't even do that. Mine make nature flourish. Sometimes go wild,  it it depends on the song."

                      "You're lying," Maddie accused. "All you freaks do, is lie."

                     "We've done nothing to you," Krinos joined in. "Myself and Lena haven't done anything to you, yet you group us with the few mystics that have attacked. You can't group all of us for what a few do."

                      "Course you freaks would stick together," Jack growled at him.

                      "They. Are. Not. Freaks," White snapped. "They have saved our lives on multiple occasions. They have such good hearts. They are good people, unlike you."

                       "Don't talk to your mother like that," Maddie snapped back.

                        "You are not our mother," Danny glared. "Not by blood, and most certainly not by love. Especially since we never felt any from you."

                       "When we get home, we are dealing with whatever mind control these scum have over you," Maddie yelled. "Starting... with this."

                        She quickly reached up and snatched off White's pendent.

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