The Long Awaited Chapter 8!

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 ----------------LUCY'S POV

I'm going crazy.

Not crazy by any normal standards, of course. God forbid anything in my life is normal for once.

See, ever since the day that we went into Jessica's room, I've been hearing the skull.

I know, I know. But Lucy, the skull is gone! No. He's not. He's still here, but inside my head, and I don't know what to do about it. He talks to me sometimes, but not as often as when he was in the jar. I get the feeling he's trying to communicate. I try to tell him to leave, but I'm not sure if he can hear me, or if he even understands me.

I'm not really sure of anything.


I have been here for two weeks now, and am still just as uncomfortable as the day I arrived. It's so cluttered in here! Thoughts are scattered around in no particular order, more than a few about that buffoon, Lockwood.

Get our mind out of the gutter, Lucy! I remark. She ignores me, per usual. Ugh. I don't know how much more of this I can take!

"Hey, Lucy!" George Cubbins lumbers into view. He is disheveled and chubby, and his glasses hang off his face at an angle. I feel like I could throw up. That is, if I had a stomach.

"Are you still coming on the case?" He scratched behind an ear and tossed a pile of papers onto the couch with a plop, sitting down heavily with a similar noise.

"Of course I'm coming!" Lucy said. "I wouldn't miss a chance at another Shade!" She adds sarcastically.

"Yeah, well," George sighed. "Cases are rather scarce these days. I've been trying to find out what's going on, but no luck." He gestured to a map on the wall that was impaled with a ton of pins, arranged in no particular order- just like him. George Cubbins was an abomination. He flopped about the house, eating, performing torturous experiments on me, and eating some more.

"George!" Lockwood's barf-worthy face appeared in the doorway. "Come help me unravel these chains!" George got up with some difficulty, and they left, but Lockwood ducked back in after a minute. "Oh, hi Luce," He added as an afterthought, using that horrid nickname. He made me sick. This whole situation made me sick!

I was trapped. That's the tragedy of it. I had escaped my glass prison, but now I was just as confined as ever. In her head. I couldn't think of anything worse! I don't know how it happened, but suddenly I was out of my jar! It was a great feeling! Then, suddenly, I was inside her head, and now I had to put up with her constant, flowery, romantic thoughts about Lockwood. Gag!

You would do well to let him go, Lucy. Just leave. Get us out of here! Let me go!

"Stop!" She shouted. It's safe to say I was rather surprised. She could never hear me before!

"Yes, I could always hear you! You're always talking! Could you just shut up for once?!" She cried.

Why am I here, Lucy! Let me out! I want to leave!

"I WANT YOU TO LEAVE, TOO. I don't know why or how you're here! I don't know why!"

Even that jar was better than this.

She sat down heavily. "It was, wasn't it."


"Well, we're getting you out of here. I'm going crazy. Until then, just keep quiet."

"LUCY! WE'RE LEAVING FOR THE CASE NOW!" Someone yelled from the porch. She jumped up and slung her coat off the hook.

"Coming!" She opened the door and ran into the night.


A brief and uncalled for author's note from Smallish Potato:

YAY! I FINALLY UPDATED! We have returned, and I am now in the Hamilton fandom. Anyway, GLAD TO BE BACK, and sorry it took so long. I realize that this might not be the best writing ever because I have not written much lately. We plan to update this story AT LEAST ONCE every two weeks. Thank you to everyone who reads, comments, and votes on this story- YOU'RE AMAZING!

Lockwood & Co 5th book fanfic.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora