Lockwood: Chapter 5

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           I stalked down the empty street, my coat trailing behind me in the icy wind. My breath rose into the air. What did I do? Lucy had seemed so angry. Did something happen in Jessica's room, or when George and I were gone? I turned the corner and stepped into a tall, pillared building. The archives. Normally I dreaded coming here, and it was something I rarely did, the research was George' job. I walked up the expansive spiral stairs, and I could almost feel why George loved it so much. The feeling of peace, like no one could touch you just as long as you were inside. Before I could reach our table George came skidding down the aisle, a wild look in his eyes.

"Hey! I figured out who the Shining Boy is!"

"George, when did we leave?"

"What do you mean? When did we leave the house? Well, I would say about 1:00. Maybe 2. Why do you ask?"

We sat down at a large oaken table in between two of the larger bookshelves, practically hidden from the few others who were up here, on the fourth floor. Police reports.

"Well, I need to know if something odd happened after I left. Lucy was acting very strange. She seemed upset, maybe even angry. But definitely not like herself. She got mad at me because I was sitting down! Is that a symptom of the ghost-touch?"

"Lockwood," George sat down and rolled his eyes. "Getting mad at someone for sitting down is not generally a symptom of ghost-touch. But that does seem interesting... I'll check into it later... But after this case. We'll need all the time we can get,"

"George! Listen to me! This isn't normal! Sure, people get grumpy, but this? George, it was like she was a different person! I mean like hostile!"

"Lockwood..." George sighed, and I thought I could see a touch of worry in his gaze. "Okay. Fine. I'll ask around, if not just to put your mind at ease. Did you leave her alone in the house?"

"Yeah. She stormed off before I could tell her where we were going,"

"Speaking of which, we'd better hurry up. No time to go back and let her know," George grabbed a thick messenger bag and a cardboard take-out cup of tea. I followed him out the door, hoping Lucy knew about the meeting...

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