Chapter Twenty-Three: Dazed and Red-Faced

Start from the beginning

"You could always interview Adam later. Then you'll have the interview part down." I told Emma as we waited for the players to come barging in. The band was playing loudly and it was hard to even think with the melodic music bouncing off the walls. Not to mention all the kids rambling all around us.

"Okay. Could you do Cameron, too? So we'd have another player?" She asked me hopefully. I nodded eagerly, "As long as you take some pictures at the beach -if we go." She smiled and nodded her head in agreement.

I began to snap pictures of the band in action, kids taking their seats, and the paper basketballs taped to the walls with seniors' names on them.

Then I heard cheering and looked in the opposite direction to see the boys team jogging out of the locker room. Most of them had on jeans or khaki short with their jersey's and basketball shoes on. The girls' all stars team was sitting on a bench observing the whole thing. Usually their games lasted through half of summer so the pep rally was only a quarter for them.

I snapped pictures of the guys running up and down the court shooting baskets and smiling and laughing and giving one another high fives. I smiled widely when I saw Cameron make a three-pointer. His eyes roamed the gym until they landed in me. I waved at him and gave him a thumbs up. He had a ball stuck between his hip and his arm and was smirking at me. I saw it as the perfect time for a picture. So I took one before he could move. He shook his head and smiled at me.

After the principal gave his little speech of how proud he was of the team this year for making it to the championships, a few meme bees of the team gave one also. I didn't expect Cameron to.

I noticed everyone leaving and made my over to Emma since she was taking notes from some of the players. I handed her the camera so she could take pictures at the bonfire. She gave me the note pad so I could interview Cameron later on.

"Hey!" I heard someone call out behind me. I turned around and was caught off guard when I was lifted off the ground. Cameron's arms were wrapped around my legs, right under my butt, and he had me against him. I felt my cheeks turn red from this PDA.

"Put me down." I said calmly. He let me slide down till my feet touched the floor and grinned at me.

"Ready?" He asked me. I sighed.

"Yeah, but I have a lot of work to do and I don't like skipping. I did once with you and that wasn't so bad but I still don't want to do it because I'll-" He leaned down and kissed me roughly on the lips and pulled back, only leaving me wanting more.

"Change your mind?" He asked, his forehead pressed to mine. I smiled - I couldn't help it.

"Emma! We have a party to go to." I called over my shoulder.

We all drove over in Cameron's truck, Emma and I had to share the middle seat while Adam sat in the passenger seat and Cameron drive. They insisted on only taking one car. We'd have to come back to get Adam's afterwards.

"I have to be home before my mom and dad, okay?" I told Cameron. I pressed myself closer to him so Emma and I weren't squishing each other.

She was fine with being squished against Adam, I could tell.

"Okay. You'll have to remind me when."

"What do you do at these parties?" Emma asked in general.

Adam spoke up, "we usually sit around a bonfire and tell stories, ghost stories, and play games. Some of the guys throw footballs back and forth or go swimming since we always do it at Mountain beach." He explained.

"Sounds like fun," I cut in. It seemed to not take near as long as it did when Cameron and I were going alone. Probably because we had more people to chat with.

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