Nothing...Abba who was sitting beside him on the bed answered him and looked up not wanting their eyes to meet.
Abba I'm not a kid, I know what's happening to me, so stop saying nothing, I know something terrible is definitely wrong with me..deedat said calmly.

Abba was debating with his heart whether to tell deedat the truth or not. while the rest of the people stared at him blankly waiting for him to speak.

You have blood cancer deedat and you have only 12months to survive..Abba whispered but loud enough for him to hear, his head facing down while mama's eyes were already deceiving her with tears.

Deedat stared coughing , from coughing to smiling, then he stared laughing throwing his head back...

Everyone started at him in amusement,thinking if he had gone mad, he supposed to cry or faint but to their surprises, he was laughing.

Are you ok? Mama asked with a teary eyes.
It's just kind of funny you know, just 12months for me to go..he replied in between laughs and he was still laughing.

How is it funny deedat? Bilal asked with a confused look.
It's won't understand brother, just forget about it..he chuckled waving his hands up.

Everyone just stared at him in amusement, they couldn't utter anything.

What? Why are you looking at me like that?he asked staring at all of them joining his brows.
Deedat you're going to die...Mamy and daddy said in unison with a shaky voice.

Well Mamy who's not going to die for god sake?at least me I have 12months, some didn't even have the 12months I'm having,soooo, not a big deal..he shrugged which made all of them gasped.

Yauwa again, where is Amatullah? Everyone is here except her, or she isn't done with the gyaran jiki yet? He questioned grinning from ear to ear.

Abba's jaw dropped as he quickly looked at his wife, daddy then to Mamy. Mamy face palmed herself while daddy just sighed.

Someone told Amatullah about your situation and got in an accident on her way to the hospital...reena said with a shaky voice remembering her sister.

Up till now nobody knows that zuby was the one that told Amatullah about deedat's situation because zuby heard Abba saying he must punish the person that told her...

Daddy is she telling me the truth? Deedat yelled.
It's the truth deedat but up till now she's unconscious, she's still inside the emergency room.daddy concluded with a sad face.

Just then, deedat's eyes turned red,he pulled the cannula out of his hand and ran out of the room,he heard people calling him and running after him but he ignored them and ran as fast as he could to the emergency ward. Two nurses rushed to him and held him.

Don't you fucking touch me, leave me alone...he shrieked at the nurses jerking away from them and stormed into emergency room 1 but she wasn't there.
He ran to emergency room 2 and saw her laying helplessly on the bed still unconscious,her head, legs and her two hands were wrapped around with bandage, a tube was connected to her vain.
He walked to her and fell down beside the bed holding her hands,many bruises on her face, arms and everywhere.
Amatullah please wake up, I can't leave without you, please wake up amma, I can't leave without you, not for better not for worse, not for richer not for poor, not for sickness not for healthy,please Amatullah wake up, let's spend this 12 months together, let's at least achieve some of our goals, let's make some of our dreams come true, please amatullah don't leave me, not now,please amatullah not now, I can't, I can't, please...

He hugged her hands weeping and sobbing,he couldn't explain what he was feeling that moment,when they told him about him having blood cancer, it didn't bothered him but this, he couldn't stand seeing Amatullah unconscious, she can't just leave him, not now...

He felt a strong arms around him ..deedat let's go...Abba said.

Will you shut up..he shrieked at Abba.
Just shut the fuck up please...he said in between tears and hugged Amatullah.

Abba swallowed the lump in his throat and walked out of the room.
Mama decided to give him a try.

Deedat Amatullah is going to wake up soon, stop shouting on top of her, you're just making matters worse..mama said with a shaky voice.

Just go...he yelled not releasing Amatullah's body.
Mama didn't move an inch from where she was standing.

I don't need anyone's help I can take care of Amatullah all by myself, I'll stay with her here even if it would take forever, just go please...he yelled at them throwing his hands up and shooing them away.

Just go please....he added and fell down crying hard.
It's all your fault, why would you tell Amatullah about me? She doesn't have to know, why would you tell her? Why? Why? He asked hitting his hand on the wooden chair that was beside Amatullah's bed..

Everyone started walking out of the room with tears in their eyes without saying anything to deedat. They knew he wanted sometime to cool down...

Deedat rose to his feet to Amatullah's bed and laid down on it hugging her tight and sobbing on her arms.

The doctors tried to enter the emergency room and tell deedat to come out because she needs a lot of silence and rest to regain consciousnesses and it's time for them to start the chemotherapy treatment for him but Abba kept begging them to leave them together, after much pleading, the doctors finally gave up and left.

Dr namadi talked to Abba so they started deedat's treatment on Amatullah's bed. They started with the chemotherapy so that it would prevent his stem cells because after the Chemotherapy they have to undergo the stem cell transplant.

Dr namadi inserted the one end of the catheter into a large vein on his chest and the other stays outside his body and is used to diliver chemotherapy or other drugs or to withdraw blood.
They inserted another soft thin tube into a large vein on his scalp.

They Changed the hospital bed for them and brought a bigger one so that it will take both of them.

Deedat kept looking at amatullah stroking her hair gently even though he finds it hard to move his hand or any part of his body due to the chemotherapy he's undergoing until he falls asleep.....

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