Preference #1 - You go to their Concert

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Preference #1 - You go to their Concert 


Luke - 5 Seconds of Summer were coming to your city for a concert and you were lucky to score front row tickets. You had entered a competition on a radio show and now you were going by yourself. None of your friends took the opportunity that you had presented, so you gave the ticket away at the door to a dedicated fan (it wasn't going to do you any good). During Heartbreak Girl when the boys sang “I dedicate this song to you…” Luke pointed straight at you (possibly coincidentally) and when you turned to the poor girl next to you, you both screamed. You couldn't believe that he had actually pointed to you, and the girl next to you was just as happy. You looked back at Luke and he gave a small chuckle at your excitement whispering something to Calum afterwards. 



Ashton - Your friend dragged you along to this concert where you had no clue what-so-ever on who was performing. All you knew was that they were four Aussies who were apparently hot. Coming from an all girls school and being deprived of boys you thought you should check this out for yourself and make your own judgement. You and your friend were situated towards the back of the arena, but directly in the middle. They were tiny ants on stage from the distance but on the screens, boy were they hot. You couldn't help but stare at the one guy who was playing the drums. “Y/N who’s the one playing the drums?” “I told you five minutes ago, but it’s Ashton.” From that moment forward yo could only think about his arm muscles and how amazing he must be in bed, having all that muscle to hold him up ;)


Calum - You were unable to get tickets for the concert, as it was at a small arena, but that didn't stop you from going and waiting for the concert to end. You knew this arena like the back of your hand from when you worked there and you were waiting where the artists leave. The chance to get a glimpse of the boys was enough for you. Just to say that you got to see them in person. As the time grew nearer the more butterflies you got. What if you said something wrong? The screams started as soon as the door opened and there they were in the flesh and blood. You didn't scream, partially because you didn't have much of a voice left but you did wave around your piece of paper trying to get an autograph and a photo. Calum came over towards you, took the piece of paper out your hand and started writing on it. He then told you to grab your camera and get ready for a photo. Once the mayhem left you looked at the message “Thanks for not screaming in our faces. Hope to catch up again? 0402 181 474 - Calum.” You now had his number and he wanted to meet up again. Score!




Michael - You had been hanging outside the boys’ hotel room all day watching fans coming and going. Some giving up and some determined like you. You even had a tent as you were not going to move for the duration of their stay in your city. No matter how nicely you spoke to security, the reception staff or even a waiter no one would let you get passed the lobby. In the end you rang up checking to see if there was a booking under your name. There wasn’t but you acted like their was. They then gave you a free stay for a few nights as their apologies. It ended up that you were right next door to the 5SOS lads and could hear them practising their songs. You put on your bathers (swimmers/togs) and made your way to the elevator towards the pool. Just as the doors were closing you heard a voice from down the hall. “Hold the doors please1” You held the doors without paying attention as to who was with you. As the elevator started to move you looked at the other hotel guest to see that it was Michael Clifford. 


AN: There we go, very first preference of this book. I will try to update it as much as possible....who knows when that will be (once a week or once a fortnight). 


I put in a lot of effort to make these just right and to make the best preferences I can. So please leave feedback or request preferences :) I am open to suggestions to add to my list of things to write :) 




- Ally/lilmisscupcake

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