Chapter One: Intriguing and Mysterious

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Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or Nanbaka...

View: Third Person

In the beginning, she was just mysterious and slowly she began to become more and more intriguing.

~Future Collective Thoughts of Nanbaka Prison


Hair as black as ink, and skin with paleness that it could be dubbed "moon-kissed". Her eyes where a deep, soulful shade of brown. They were warm, yet held so much distance in them. Her form was small, yet gave off a large aura that radiated with a strong, intimating sense of justice. The newcomer was dressed professionally with her tight bun and strict posture. It was surprising how someone so small could cause such an overbearing shadow. The weight of her gaze weighted heavily on all of the supervisors as she scanned over each of them. Then, her eyes landed on the dog-like officer of building four, Kenshirou Yozakura, and those piercing orbs turned doe-like, soft and warm...

The new supervisor almost looked... childish.

The warden's firm voice rung out like a whip. Her eyes, and voice couldn't seem to stress enough how important this newcomer was. "Kagome (a sharp glance was sent at the warden from the silent female beside her) -san is our Special Unit Guard. She is a highly-trained individual that deserves as much respect as any one of you. So, be sure to get along with her."

The small woman bowed, and officially introduced herself. Her stiff composure vanished. Soon, it was replaced with a radiant smile, and kind eyes. Her voice was genuine and earnest as she said, "I'm so excited to be working with all of you. For the time being, I'm going to be working around your buildings. So, please take care of me. I go by Kagome."

Her eyes dimmed a bit.

"Just Kagome, ok? I hope we work well together!" She chirped happily while holding onto her grin.

Just Kagome...

And, that was how Kagome was introduce to them.

Ai ajuns la finalul capitolelor publicate.

⏰ Ultima actualizare: Jan 23, 2018 ⏰

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