Chapter 28- Memories And Secret Missions

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"No. If we were going to nerd out, we'd have to invite Reid. Not to geek out. There's a difference. Besides, do you really think he'd want to watch The Matrix with us? He'd probably laugh at whatever science mistakes are in it, or in his words, improbabilities," Garcia noted, and Ciara nodded, agreeing with her.

"Let's do it."

They had yet to actually pick a day when they were going to have a movie night, but Garcia kept mentioning that they were going to do it. Her eyes traveled around the table and eventually landed on Prentiss.

"You really know Russian and Arabic?" Prentiss asked her one day, taking her by surprise.

"Um, yeah, I do. Hal fajayik dhilka? [Does that surprise you?]," Ciara asked in Arabic, and Prentiss smiled.

"La, lays kadhalik. [No, it does not.]" Prentiss responded, and Ciara looked down, knowing that she was about to shake things up with Prentiss, and hoped she could keep up.

"Kak naschet etogo? Vas eto udivlyayet? [How about this? Does this surprise you?]" Ciara asked, and Prentiss sighed.

"You had to crack out Russian? I'm passable in Russian, that's it. Definitely not fluent like I'm sure you are," Prentiss sighed, and Ciara decided to confuse her a little bit more.

"Ik wed dat je dit niet had verwacht, als je het kunt identificeren. [I bet you did not expect this, if you can identify it.]" she said, and the look of confusion on Prentiss's face was exactly what she had been going for.

"Are you even human? How do you know all of these languages? What even was that?" Prentiss asked, exasperated.

"That was Dutch. And let's just say... I had a lot of time on my hands as a child," Ciara answered simply.

"Hey, Prentiss, weet je al wat ik zeg? [Do you know what I'm saying?]" Ciara asked, and even she could feel Prentiss's glare.

"That's not funny. Just because I can talk to you in Arabic and somewhat in Russian, that does not give you permission to bring up some language that I can't identify. Is it still Dutch? Because if it is..." Prentiss drifted off.

"It is."

"Goddammit. Don't do that to me!" Prentiss exclaimed, and Jack gasped at the swear word.

"Daddy, she swore! She's not supposed to do that, is she?" Jack asked, and Ciara heard Akilah snorting and struggling to hold back her laughter beside her.

"No, buddy, she is not supposed to swear," Hotch said, and that was when Ciara noticed that Jack had the frosting from the cinnamon roll all over his face. Children were messy. There were only two people left that she hadn't recalled a memory of, and she didn't want to recall the one with Hotch. She knew what her mind was going to bring back, so she instead brought her attention to Rossi, someone she had something in common with: they were both writers, and had some of the same problems.

"Stuck?" Rossi asked, and Ciara brought her head back up from where she had slammed it onto her notebook, her pencil still in hand.

"Writer's block is a bitch," she said, and Rossi slid into the seat across from her, asking her what her book was about.

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