Chapter Ten

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I open my eyes, a blue sky meeting me. The sounds of birds singing and cars rushing muffled by the ringing in my ears. I take a deep breath, grass and dirt filling my senses. I try to sit up, feeling a pain shoot up my spine. I push my hands on the ground and slide up on something cold. I look up to see a stone pedestal planted behind me. I avert my gaze to the hedges to my left, gritting my teeth. My back ached and my head was jumbled, numb-like. I look around, looking for the others. To my right, I see a purple fabric sticking out of the bushes. That has to be John. I will myself to stand, gripping onto the stone pedestal and pushing myself up. I look to the pedestal, a stone head staring back at me. I shake my head. Why would there be a stupid head in a park. Probably the founder. I slowly start taking steps to the only hint of the others I could see, limping slightly. I look on the other side of the bush, finding John sprawled on the ground. He was somewhat in the open. I had to wake him up before any police officers think that he's loitering. I quickly limp to his side and drop to the ground, shaking his shoulder. A groan tells me that he is alive, and he pushes himself up. His skin had changed from the turquoise to a rich tawny color. His eyes were deep ocean, contrasting well with his skin. His hair stayed snow white, probably from preference. By the state of his face, he doesn't seem to be in a particularly good mood.

"Are you all right, John?"

"I am fine. Are you all right? You seem as though you are in pain."

I waved my head, "I hit my back when we landed here. It's a bit sore."

"I will look at it when we are in a more secure location. Where are the others?" He sat straighter, his eyes glancing from side to side.

"I don't know. Maybe the portal sent them to different locations?"

We both stood up and I helped support his weight, "No. At most a block or two."

"Note to self: do not run through the portal thing."

He laughed, "Yes, no more running through the 'portal thing'."

He pulled away, turning back to the bush and pulling out the long staff. He plucked out the leaves that clung to it before turning it into his signature ring. He slung his bag over his shoulder and turned to me, "We should find the others."

I followed him out of the park and onto the sidewalk. I stared at the billboards and buildings, trying to make sense of where we were.


We both stare across the street to see what looks to be the twins. They quickly ran across the street dodging cars and earning a few swears. Smiles were etched onto their faces as they stumbled in front of us.

"You can't just run across the street like that!" I exclaim, waving my arms in the air, "This isn't some country road. It's a city street!"

They both had a beige tone but different eyes. Grace had russet color and Stephen had chestnut. Their har was a deep onyx that glowed in the sun. Their bags hung behind them, "Then what do we do?"

"You see this pole? You press this button and wait for the other screen across from you to show a person walking on it," I press it to show them, the hand coming up a few seconds after.

Stephen pointed at it, "What does the hand and numbers mean?"

"How long you have until the cars can go."


I cover my face with my hands, "When were you born?"

"Late 1800's. Around 1882."

I mumbled out, "No wonder."

John began to walk down the sidewalk, rubbing his forehead annoyingly. I could tell he didn't know where we were, neither did the twins by the way the were staring. I jogged in front of John, grabbing his arm, "Wait. You don't even know where we are, do you?"

Mortuum's CallingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora