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I could feel the darkness flowing out of me, but I couldn't stop it.

So I ran.

To the one place I was certain I could calm down. The one person who could help me.

I knocked frantically on the door, until the light on the porch flicked on.

"What the hell?" He asked as he looked for the source of the noise.

"Please help me!" I shouted at him. 

But he just looked around, like I wasn't standing right in front of him.

"PLEASE! LOOK AT ME!" I screamed, and tried to grab his shirt. 

My hand just fell.

"He can't see through your darkness." A voice said behind me.

I've never seen someone who is just like me until today. Her skin is just as pale as mine, short fangs popping out of her perfect mouth. Eyes as red as human blood. And the part that got me most, she also had darkness coming out of her.

"You are like me?" I ask the girl, tyring not to cry of happiness. Finally someone to talk to.

"Yes, Annora. I'm just like you. A vampire dragon hybrid. And we have work to do."

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