Bite Me

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The day was like normal. Wake up, eat, get dressed. 

But for some strange reason, it seemed, different. Like the world was on edge. Mother said that everything was fine, nothing was wrong. Maybe it was just me?

I went through my normal day, trying to ignore the pit in my stomach. Get to class, tutor that one girl, and get to work. 

All was ok when I went to leave. Then, I heard footsteps behind me.

¨You know that I can hear you, right?¨ I say, turning around. But there isn't anyone there. I grew curious, and started to look around.

"Andrew, if that's you again, I swear." I said, thinking it might be my lifelong friend.

"Who's Andrew?" A deep menacing voice asked from the darkness. The voice, though I couldn't see it's owner, sent shivers up my spine.

"Who are you? WHERE are you?" I asked into the dark abyss.

Only silence greeted me. 

I began to walk again, but a hand wrapped around my waist.

I turned around and punched the person standing there.

"OW!" The man yelled loudly.

It was the voice I heard. I decided to take a good look at him.

He was tall, maybe 6'3", very skinny, and pale as the moon.

His black, shaggy hair fell into his piercing green eyes. The kind you could get lost in.

And yet, I saw right through it.

"Let me guess, looking for a snack?" I said, noting his enlarged canines.

This man is a Vampire. And he thinks I'm his victim.

"Why did you punch me? I can still feel pain." He said, rubbing the side of his face.

I pulled the silver tipped, wooden stake out of my bag.

"Then feel this." I said as I whipped it towards his chest, right where the heart would be.

He grabbed the stake, twisted my arm, and pulled me against him.

"Oh bite me, darling." He said, pushing the stake into a vein in my neck.

"TIME!" Our instructor  called out.

"Nice job." Dom said, letting me go.

"Next time, I wont let you walk away so easy." I said.

Training day is always fun.

I thought about what he said.

'Oh bite me, darling'

Maybe I will.

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