Chapter 12

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Jin looked down at the paper in front of him, currently they were sitting in the last of his exams until graduation, Taehyung was sat in front of him and out of the corner of his eyes he could see Jimin and Jungkook.

Jimin had his head on the exam whilst Jungkook scribbled down the answers to the questions. Jin let out a small sigh before turning back to his own exam, he flicked through the question paper answering the questions he did now but it was not much.

"Jinnie, I can feel your stress are you alright baby" Namjoon said making Jin look down as an invigilator walked past. 

"Yeah, I just don't think I can do this Joonie, I am not as clever as you or have a photographic memory like Jungkook" Jin replied. 

"Hey, I know you can do this baby, just because you do not have either mine or Jungkook's brain does not mean that you will not pass this, I know you will baby, I believe in you" Namjoon said trying to reassure his boyfriend. 

"Thanks, Joonie, I better get back to doing the exam before I am caught talking to you" Jin said. 

"Okay, I love you, baby, I always will and I know you can do this" Namjoon replied. 

"I love you too" Jin answered before pulling away from his soulmate's mind. Jin looked back down at the paper and started to fill in the unanswered questions. 

Jin, Taehyung, Jimin and Jungkook entered the school to collect their results, Jimin and Jin had asked their soulmates to stay outside which they had been met with a lot of resistance but eventually they agreed. All four boys except Jin and Taehyung had split up since all the results were in alphabetical order by surname, Jin grabbed his and Taehyung's result before passing them to his brother, they both took one look at each other before opening the envelopes that the results were in.

The brothers took one look at their result before they both collapsed to the floor in relief, they had passed, the looks on both Jimin and Jungkook's face also indicated they had passed too.

Jin, Taehyung, Jungkook and Jimin were wearing their graduation clothes whilst being sat in alphabetical order to collect their degrees. Namjoon, Hoseok and Yoongi were sat in the family and friends seat at the back of the graduation hall. The honour students gave their speeches before everyone went up to collect their degrees, everyone was met with cheers from proud parents, soulmates, and friends.

The graduation flew by and before anyone knew it, they were officially graduated. Namjoon had swept his boyfriend into his arms whilst Hoseok and Yoongi had carted Jimin off.

"I love you" Jin whispered in Namjoon's ear.

"I love you too baby".

Jimin laughed as his soulmates pulled him away from the graduation ceremony, he had no idea what they were up to, but he did not mind the surprise. Jimin was carted into Hoseok's car and a blindfold had been put over his eyes.

"Where are we?" Jimin questioned when they climbed out the car, he was still blindfolded and was fulling relying on Hoseok and Yoongi to guide him to wherever they were taking him.

"One more minute Jiminie" Hoseok said. They walked a little further before they suddenly stopped before both Hoseok and Yoongi pulled away from him.

"You can take the blindfold off" Yoongi said which Jimin did, his now opened eyes trailed down to find both Hoseok and Yoongi down on one knee both holding a small box with an engagement ring inside it, Jimin gasped.

"My feelings for you have always been very strong, my admiration for you has always been very strong, my love for you has always been strong and I am sure we would make a strong couple" Hoseok spoke to Jimin.

"My life is incomplete without you my love, my life is meaningless without you my love, my life is curtailed without the affinity of your tender heart. My life is imperfect without the tenderness of your likeness. Please hold my hand and walk with me on the journey of this life" Yoongi said looking into Jimin's eyes.

"Would you be ours forever?" Hoseok and Yoongi said at the same time.

"Yes, I will marry you" Jimin cried out before wrapping his arms around his soulmates' necks then pressing a kiss to their lips. Hoseok and Yoongi were smiling as they together slipped the engagement ring onto Jimin's finger. The engagement ring was silver with three large diamonds in the middle whilst on both sides it had J+H+Y inside a heart. 

September 1st

The altar was lit up by heart-shaped lights under the wooden gazebo which had check tiles. The sunset reflected on the large deep blue lake which was just behind the altar. A white marble pathway was littered with small white roses, white wooden chairs were positioned in rows beside the marble aisle. Jungkook stood at the altar in a navy suit with a white shirt and a navy tie, Yoongi and Namjoon were next to him whilst Jimin, Jin and Hoseok were with Taehyung. Jungkook could feel the nerves inside his stomach build up, his thoughts were racing through his mind at a million miles per hour, his biggest fear was that Taehyung would have second thoughts and leave him.

Yoongi squeezed Jungkook's shoulder as the bridal march started playing, Jungkook turned around and there stood Taehyung, his arm was wrapped around Jin who was giving him away behind them was Jimin and Hoseok. Hoseok were throwing artificial flowers over the guest and aisle whilst Jimin carried the rings. 

"We are gathered here today to witness the marriage of Jeon Jungkook and Kim Taehyung, if anyone does not wish for the couple to be together, speak now or forever hold your peace" the vicar spoke, the room stayed silent with the exception of Jin who was sobbing at the sight of his baby brother getting married.  

"Jungkook do you take Taehyung to be your lawfully wedded husband" the vicar said.

"I do"

"Taehyung do you take Jungkook to be your lawfully wedded husband" the vicar said.

"I do"

"Now it is the exchanging of vows and rings" the vicar spoke as Jimin stepped forward allowing Taehyung and Jungkook to take the other soon-to-be-husband's ring.

"Taehyung, you may go first" The vicar said.

 "Jungkook, from the moment I first saw you, I knew you were the one with whom I wanted to share my life. Your beauty, heart, and mind inspire me to be the best person I can be. I promise to love you for eternity, respecting you, honouring you, being faithful to you, and sharing my life with you. This is my solemn vow" Taehyung spoke to Jungkook before sliding the ring on his soulmate's finger.  

"Jungkook your vows please" the vicar said. 

"Dear Taehyung, today I pledge to you what has already been yours for so long -- my eternal love. as we have always done, I promise to walk hand-in-hand with you through life's journeys. No matter what lies in our path, it will be our path, together, in the joys and troubles that lie ahead of us, I will be faithful and loving to you. This is my solemn vow" Jungkook said before pressing a kiss against Taehyung's hand then he slid the wedding ring on his soulmate's finger.   

"With the power invested in me, I now pronounce you wedded husbands, you may now kiss" the vicar said. Jungkook surged forward capturing his husband's lips with his own.  Taehyung wrapped his arms around Jungkook's neck pulling his husband closer as if he was making sure that he left no place unsnogged. 

"Get a room" Jin and Jimin shouted simultaneously making the newly married couple pull away from each other and glare at their friend and brother.  

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